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Example sentences for "cheap"

Lexicographically close words:
chayne; chaynes; chayre; che; chea; cheape; cheapen; cheapened; cheapening; cheapens
  1. Micky, who was in a generous mood, bought a couple of cheap cigars, of which he presented one to his satellite.

  2. Jonah, finding nothing better to do, lit a cigarette, and turned a contemptuous eye on the bales of calico, cheap prints, and flimsy lace displayed.

  3. Mother Jenkins whispered that things would go cheap because the auctioneer was in a hurry to get to his lunch.

  4. The stuff was a cheap material, but it was cut and worn with a daintiness that marked her off from the shopgirls and others that Jonah was most familiar with.

  5. The salesman led them to another instrument, and, with less deference in his tone, remarked that this was the firm's special cheap line at fifty guineas.

  6. A man who gets an estimate, for example, written on cheap paper, may be led to believe that the man who skimps on letter paper is apt to skimp on his work.

  7. The letter reads in part: Suppose, ten years ago, you had paid down, say $10 on a piece of cheap land.

  8. Where a competing firm enters the field with a cheap quality of goods that would react against the trade, it is sometimes policy to put the facts before the prospective buyers.

  9. I don't mean that we will furnish you with a cheap machine at a high price, but a really high-grade machine at a low price.

  10. Saving money by use of cheap stationery is not economy for it prejudices the individual against the sender before the letter is ever opened.

  11. Important messages may be written on cheap stationery; big men with big plans are sometimes clad in shoddy garments.

  12. American cotton-spinning supremacy is built on cheap cotton; cheap cotton is built on cheap niggers.

  13. They sprawled about and smoked, drank, and bought candy and cheap gewgaws.

  14. I'd had too many greasy French fries in too many cheap dives the last few years.

  15. I rummaged, came up with a cheap tourists' edition, flipped the pages.

  16. They cannot use wire, and cheap string is too easily broken.

  17. On the tiles are thrown a few cheap coloured mats.

  18. Henequen is at once strong enough and cheap enough.

  19. This he was now brandishing, and it certainly looked like murder; but it was soon obvious that there was more cheap melodrama than business about the fellow.

  20. Henty's was a grand influence for good in times of easy belittlement and cheap disparaging criticism of many of those elemental virtues which are nevertheless supreme in the making of a nation.

  21. It amused the travellers infinitely to observe these creatures, with their old solemn placid-looking chief at their head, staggering out at the door way; they were in truth, but too happy to get rid of them at so cheap a rate.

  22. The provisions were found to be uncommonly cheap and plentiful.

  23. He hated a cheap pen, and still more a penny bottle of ink, but somehow this particular penny bottle of ink seemed touching in its simple ugliness.

  24. The precious pavement was now half hidden by wooden trestles, wooden cubicles, and cheap chairs.

  25. I am so sorry to part with it,' I said, handing her a cheap white fan.

  26. They were not the modern pointed affairs, but were made of cheap leather, squared-toed, and evidently built by the regimental cobbler.

  27. I asked the price of a good house and about 40 acres of land, and they said the most they could ask for it would be £30, a cheap place to settle, for provisions also are cheaper than anywhere I have been.

  28. She did, however, at first try what she could do by working for the cheap clothing-stores.

  29. With two little children, Fanny was removed by her husband into a cheap boarding-house, after their things were taken and sold.

  30. It argued that the import of goods from India not only benefited the consumer but also the nation, because it was a waste of labor to use it in producing goods which could be bought cheap abroad.

  31. These laborers could buy 12 cheap loaves, 3 gallons of ale, and a gallon of cheap wine or half a pair of shoes.

  32. For cheap and simple eating there were chophouses, cookshops, and beef steak houses.

  33. Working men still used violence to protect their livelihoods, such as destroying the lodgings and public houses of cheap immigrant labor such as the Irish.

  34. The use of parish workhouse children also was a cheap supply of labor which forced down the wages of the stocking knitters.

  35. Workers by necessity lived near their place of work because there was no cheap transport and walking through the streets after dark was unpleasant and dangerous.

  36. I find ease in this receipt, redeeming myself in the beginning as good cheap as I can; and find that by this means I have escaped much trouble and many difficulties.

  37. Fame is not prostituted at so cheap a rate: rare and exemplary actions, to which it is due, would not endure the company of this prodigious crowd of petty daily performances.

  38. How much more readily would the features of a familiar ruler or a popular Minister help the sale of a cheap material or a low-priced article of any kind?

  39. When completed, it will be possible to journey from New York to Panama without change of car, and what this means for quick and cheap freights can be realized.

  40. In an age like ours, when lithography of every description is so cheap and taste in design so improved, it seems wholly absurd that good orders should be continually lost on account of their non-adoption.

  41. He wished to found a cheap daily paper that should be good and salutary as well as interesting.

  42. They were typed on the cheap kind of "copy paper" that is used only in "city rooms.

  43. It is poor economy to have cheap servants who can do nothing.

  44. It is poor economy to buy cheap food and let patients suffer for lack of nourishment.

  45. It is poor economy to use cheap drugs and drug your patient's life out.

  46. It is not economy to buy cheap furniture that has to be replaced all the time.

  47. Asphaltum is preferable to the cheap tar.

  48. Only one coating of brown japan is given to cheap goods, but for better articles two or more are applied.

  49. A good cheap stock black paint or varnish for ironwork is prepared, as follows: Clear (solid) wood tar, 10 lb.

  50. He made his way to Boston, where the first use to which he put his money was in publishing a cheap edition of his poems.

  51. Checked matting hid the worn parlor floor, and the cheap furniture which they had brought with them looked better here than ever it had done in the cramped and stuffy rooms of the city.

  52. It was a fortunate day when Mrs. Clemm, hunting about the suburbs of the great city for a cheap place of abode, discovered the little cottage at Fordham, a country railroad station some miles from New York.

  53. From one cheap lodging to another they removed, with such frequency as to suggest to us the suspicion that their rent was not always ready when due.

  54. Over in your great country, such methods are laughed at as the cheap device of sensation mongers.

  55. He did not see the cheap millinery, the slightly more developed figure, the passing of that insipid prettiness which had once charmed him into the bloom of an over-early maturity.

  56. Some of them were garishly furnished with gilt mirrors, cheap lace curtains tied back with blue ribbons.

  57. That night, the body of an unknown foreigner was found in the attic of a cheap lodging-house in Soho.

  58. Are her lessons to be very cheap or very expensive?

  59. But this was cheap payment for her amazed joy when Klesmer said benignantly, turning to Mrs. Meyrick, "Will she like to accompany Miss Lapidoth and hear the music on Wednesday?

  60. In the table given below, A represents the best possible work, B indicates good work, and C stands for cheap work.

  61. Then, being an obliging young man when the fates permitted him to indulge his natural tendencies, Luck made a hurried trip to a certain little shop that had dusty mandolins and watches and guns and a cheap kodak in the dingy window.

  62. But it does seem pretty raw to put you boys working on this cheap studio stuff after getting you out here to do something worth while.

  63. In her cheap suitcase which she had carried wrapped in her shawl on her back to the ranch, Annie-Many-Ponies still had that doll.

  64. They'll be cheap to put on, because the same sets and the same locations will do for the lot.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheap" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cheap labor; cheap labour