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Example sentences for "invalid"

Lexicographically close words:
invades; invading; invaginated; invagination; invaginations; invalidate; invalidated; invalidates; invalidating; invalidation
  1. Maybe, but I doubt it," the invalid replied wearily.

  2. She hated Tess, blaming the little squatter girl for the trouble which had made her an invalid and taken her husband from her.

  3. Ida says that it is a sin to spend nights in dancing, so that one has to lie in bed like an invalid all the next day.

  4. Chateaubriand spends every afternoon with Juliet, and every evening with his invalid wife, like a devoted and dutiful husband, and this state of things goes on from year to year without trouble and without scandal.

  5. Her royal highness appointed a Waterloo invalid as first guardian of the place.

  6. And so I held the treaty to be invalid for want of a proper subject to act upon, and because it invaded the legislative department.

  7. The querulous tyrannies of the invalid relieved her; but the heavy lifting of her chest returned the moment she was alone.

  8. She asked the curate if he deemed it wicked to speak falsely to an invalid for the invalid's benefit.

  9. Once more the invalid attempted to rise, once more his strength failed him.

  10. The invalid opens his great, dark eyes in wonder as he speaks.

  11. When she could not come, she sent such delicacies as would tempt the appetite of the invalid to the hospital.

  12. The hardships and the usefulness of her life in Kansas are matters of history, and it is truly surprising to read how one so long an invalid was enabled to perform such protracted and exhausted labors.

  13. During this period, no reasonable wish of an invalid ever went ungratified.

  14. At the close of the war, she returned to her home, more an invalid than ever from the effects of a sun-stroke received while in attendance on a field hospital in Virginia.

  15. While he was speaking, the boat which contained the invalid began to come towards them, on its way to the place of landing.

  16. A person passed hastily in almost at the moment and entered a sitting-room which opened into the hall, and into which the couch with the invalid had just been carried.

  17. Within ten days all her pains, neuralgia, and backache had gone, and have never been heard of since, and by that time we had also got rid of all her little pillows and other invalid appliances.

  18. She has increased enormously in size, and looks an entirely different person from the wasted invalid of a few weeks ago.

  19. I found the patient lying on an invalid couch, her left arm paralyzed and rigidly contracted, strapped to her body to keep it in position.

  20. Such an invalid has by unhappy chance to live with some near relative whose temperament is also nervous and who is impatient or irritable.

  21. It was contrary to the double injunction of the Countess that Caroline should receive Evan during her absence, or that he should disturb the dear invalid with a visit.

  22. The great Mel and his mate had given her robust health, and she was able to play the high-born invalid without damage to her constitution.

  23. Unwilling to be disturbed, the invalid remained some time without noticing his little pet.

  24. This dome belongs to the church attached to the Hotel des Invalides, or hospital for invalid soldiers, and it covers the tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.

  25. But the morbid obstinacy of an invalid possessed him, and at the same time he felt with dismay his eyes filling with water.

  26. Say that I am humouring an invalid if you like.

  27. It should be remembered, that invalid as he was, Spencer aggravated matters by his scientific hypochondria, and perhaps also by his soporifics.

  28. Even in old age he had no invalid appearance.

  29. On the other hand, Royston treated the invalid with an amount of deference very unusual with him, in whom the bump of Veneration was probably represented by a cavity.

  30. The invalid lifted his cap in courteous adieu, but his face grew dark, and his shaggy brows were knit savagely.

  31. She had a use for it now: it would make a savory hash, not nourishing enough for an invalid like Mrs. Gibbs to depend on, but good for her children and herself, in addition to the steak.

  32. I knew nothing of housekeeping, for my mother had been such an invalid that we always boarded at that time.

  33. Even in New York and other Eastern States, the employment of aliens, particularly Asiatics, is forbidden in all public work--which laws may be invalid as against a Federal treaty.

  34. I gave the dear invalid his crutches, and we commenced our sorrowful walk.

  35. Yes, sir; I remember you now," said the invalid holding out his burning, feverish hand.

  36. The invalid turned upon me her fine dark eyes, in which the light of fever painfully burned, and motioned me to come near her.

  37. As long as the invalid lived, he had taken little notice of Johannes, for he seemed to think it almost sinful to give even the merest fraction of his affection to any one else.

  38. The invalid boy got so used to his companionship that he would not be without him.

  39. The name of the Invalid Hospital in Copenhagen.

  40. Széphalmi buried his head among the pillows of the speechless invalid and sobbed bitterly.

  41. Come, Maud, my dear, let us leave the invalid to her repose and to nature.

  42. And she practised some plaintive, invalid glances into the mirror.

  43. Then he told me what a miserable invalid he was, and how the doctors interfered with his frugal tastes.

  44. She settled the invalid on his pillow once more, noting the ghost of an ironical smile that flitted over his features.

  45. The afternoon dragged by, the invalid drifting surely towards the other world in spite of all the efforts made to anchor him to this one.

  46. Did he fear that in some way her adverse desires might communicate themselves to the invalid with unfortunate effects?

  47. The invalid did not demur, merely made a grimace as the needle shot into his emaciated thigh.

  48. When she was out of earshot the invalid spoke, with a slight movement of the head in her direction.

  49. He then pressed rapidly forward, knife in hand, to where the invalid lay in his bed.

  50. Having learned which was the room occupied by the invalid by seeing Frederick go into it, Payne rushed past the prostrate man, opened the door of the Secretary's room, and was met by Sergeant Robinson.

  51. Nearly a week had elapsed since the funeral of Mrs. Macleod, and now a second message from home had been received by Helene DeBerczy, reminding her that her invalid mother had claims which could no longer be set aside.

  52. She was a very pleasant object for weary invalid eyes to rest upon.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "invalid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.