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Example sentences for "cadence"

Lexicographically close words:
caddis; caddises; caddish; caddy; cademy; cadenced; cadences; cadency; cadent; cadenza
  1. The personality of the artist, at first a cry or a cadence or a mood and then a fluid and lambent narrative, finally refines itself out of existence, impersonalizes itself, so to speak.

  2. And all hearts were touched and turned to her voice, shining like a young star, shining clearer as the voice intoned the proparoxytone and more faintly as the cadence died.

  3. It will be observed in the foregoing specimens, that the alliteration is extremely neglected, except in the third and fourth instances; although all the rest are written in imitation of the cadence used in this kind of metre.

  4. The Evangelist is a tenor, and the mode of chanting, the same as that of the Lessons, with a peculiar falling cadence at the comma, interrogation, and full stop.

  5. The firewood snapped and crackled in the stove, the sigh of the pines came up in fantastic cadence across the clearing, and so while the dark angel stooped above the lonely ranch the night wore on.

  6. And when the cadence of the dance was momentarily stopped and the sharp cutting notes of the war whoop rent the frosty air one can scarcely imagine that they could have remained wholly ignorant of its purpose.

  7. Soon the rhythmic cadence of the hideous dance song started, and the scalps of the day, elevated on the ends of long poles, could be seen swaying back and forth marking time with the movements of the women who bore them.

  8. The instructor may require them to count aloud in cadence with the motions.

  9. At the command march, given as either foot strikes the ground, advance and plant the other foot; bring up the foot in rear and continue the cadence by alternately raising each foot about 2 inches and planting it on line with the other.

  10. The cadence of the motions is that of quick time; the recruits are first required to give their whole attention to the details of the motions, the cadence being gradually acquired as they become accustomed to handling their pieces.

  11. Carry and plant the right foot 15 inches to the right; bring the left foot beside it and continue the movement in the cadence of quick time.

  12. At the command march, raise the forearms, fingers closed, to a horizontal position along the waist line; take up an easy run with the step and cadence of double time, allowing a natural swinging motion to the arms.

  13. If every note of music born, Each wistful cadence low and sweet, Were all combined from night till dawn To render melody complete— Why should my throbbing sense rejoice That once has listened to thy voice?

  14. Filled in the blanks and set the puzzle right; We were complete, a glorious, living whole, A perfect cadence of supreme delight— I think eternity was ours that night.

  15. Yet bearing on your bosom so many lovers' vows; Cannot the throb of passion arouse one wave in answer, Or stir to sighing cadence your silent willow boughs?

  16. For he enlumyneth by craft & cadence This noble story with many fresch colour Of rethorik, & many riche flour Of eloquence to make it sownde bet He in the story hath ymped in and set, That in good feyth I trowe he hath no pere.

  17. Was it the far-off silver ripple of the brooklet, or the cadence of the distant sheep-bell?

  18. That was a distance effect, however, for the marching men did not move slowly, but kept on at the regular cadence of a hundred and twenty steps to the minute.

  19. The cadence was too slow, the men looked slouchy and showed no signs whatever of spirit.

  20. Theos, struggling to repress his own rising tears, heard his friend's accents sink into a still lower, more caressing cadence .

  21. And while he remained silent, the silken sweet voice of the fairest woman he had ever seen once more sent its musical cadence through his brain in that fateful question: "Thou dost love me?

  22. We find the most potent evidences of the domination of the closing cadence in Elsa's narrative, in the duet of Ortrud and Telramund in the second act, and in the passages of the duet in the chamber scene.

  23. At the urgent request of his many friends he collected in a volume and published his poems, Bird and Bough (1906), which for perfect cadence and simple sweetness have not been surpassed by any of our minor poems.

  24. At the final close, in D, the ear was not satisfied, and expected the closing cadence in G.

  25. A stately antiphonal passage leads back to the principal key, and the movement concludes with a cadence such as we find in many a work of Bach's or Handel's.

  26. After this modulation section there is a cadence to F major, and in this, the dominant key, something like a new subject appears, though it is closely allied to the first.

  27. Note the music of the cadence here—a music that plays about the heart more sweetly than any verse, save the very highest.

  28. Where time has dealt most cruelly with our beloved language is in robbing it of that beautiful cadence which fell from our forefathers’ lips as sweetly and as unconsciously as melody falls from the throat of the mavis.

  29. He started back from the ominous swish of the Donatelli gown, the deep cadence of the Donatelli voice, the restless Donatelli walk, now resumed.

  30. The cadence of her tone was the measure of an irrevocable loss.

  31. Irony shines through the pages and the final cadence includes a murder and a suicide.

  32. No tones of voice could come up to the mellifluous cadence of his verse; no form but of a winged angel could vie with the airy shapes he has described.

  33. The same style which glistens and sparkles in describing the fancy of Pope rises to an inspired chant with a clearly defined cadence at the recollection of the past glory of Coleridge: "He was the first poet I ever knew.

  34. The measured cadence and regular sing-song of rhyme or blank verse have destroyed, as it were, their natural ear for the mere characteristic harmony which ought to subsist between the sound and the sense.

  35. Niagara was but a giant scroll, Whereon God writ a token of his strength; The muttering voice of its unceasing roll Was but a cadence of the mighty length That measures the eternities of life.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cadence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accent; anapest; arabesque; beat; bridge; burden; cadence; cadenza; caesura; catenary; chorus; coda; coloratura; counterpoint; dactyl; decline; development; division; droop; embellishment; emphasis; exposition; figure; flight; flourish; foot; grace; iambic; ictus; incidental; interlude; intermezzo; jingle; lapse; lilt; lowering; measure; meter; movement; numbers; ornament; part; passage; period; phrase; prosody; quantity; refrain; regularity; resolution; response; rhyme; rhythm; run; sag; section; slump; stanza; statement; strain; stress; submergence; subsidence; swag; swing; tempo; thesis; trochee; turn; variation; verse