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Example sentences for "caddises"

Lexicographically close words:
cadavers; cadavre; caddie; caddies; caddis; caddish; caddy; cademy; cadence; cadenced
  1. And there are caddises there too, if we choose the right places to look for them.

  2. We want to have some caddises for our own," they said, and I understood that the Elf had thought it only fair to consult the Imp before asking me about them for herself.

  3. For lying on the banks of the stream, even while we are eating our sandwiches, we can see the caddises in the muddy shallows, and sometimes a water shrimp, and often a shoal of minnows.

  4. The Imp and the Elf sat on high chairs in the study till bed-time watching the caddises crawl about on the mud, and the minnows flit in and out among the stones.

  5. So I went too; for I had nothing to play with but caddises and dragon-flies and trout.

  6. So I went, too; for I had nothing to play with but caddises and dragon flies and trout," "Ugh!

  7. It is of interest to note that in the earlier stages of some caddises lately described and figured by A.

  8. Different genera of caddises differ in their mode of building.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caddises" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.