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Example sentences for "overwork"

Lexicographically close words:
overwhelmed; overwhelming; overwhelmingly; overwhelms; overwise; overworked; overworking; overwrought; overzealous; oves
  1. For nearly fifty years after this period, the right to overwork and the "right" to be overworked remained untouched by legislative interference.

  2. By overwork or accident, the father was cut off in his strong manhood, the boy was early worn out, and the young girl's prospects of happy motherhood were forever quenched.

  3. No girl under eighteen should be employed more than eight hours per day; all overwork should be prohibited; while married women should be kept out of factories at least six weeks before and six weeks after confinement.

  4. Trade-union and socialist and suffrage women overwork because they are women, because through long ages the altruistic side has been overdeveloped.

  5. Labor men overwork too, but not, as a rule, to the same degree, nor nearly so frequently as women.

  6. Further, she would be more likely to bring to the bearing and rearing of her children a constitution unenfeebled by premature overwork and energies unsapped by its monotonous grind.

  7. Still, I should counsel you not to overwork yourself.

  8. I am afraid, my young friend, that you overwork yourself.

  9. I have gone through a year of unspeakable torture brought on by overwork and human-wise professors; but at last, through the wonderful teachings Dr.

  10. Shall these fragile centres be permitted to rest when overwork has made them sick, or is there any other rational means for their recovery?

  11. It's the result of the strain he's put upon his nerves by overwork and awful tempers.

  12. The doctors indicated overwork in connection with foreign affairs as the predisposing cause.

  13. The overwork imposed upon them and the fermentation cause irritation.

  14. The kidneys do not thrive under overwork any more than other organs.

  15. Many people dedicate their lives to the act of turning a superabundance of food into waste, and as a result they overwork their bodies so that they are never well physically and seldom efficient mentally.

  16. His master, who was naturally a kind man, did not overwork him.

  17. Every web which falls from these restless looms has a history more or less connected with sin and suffering, beginning with slavery and ending with overwork and premature death.

  18. A teacher was trying to explain the dangers of overwork to one of the smaller pupils.

  19. Luckily, he was carrying on his saddle the day's rations for the other three men of his section, so that if he can only keep his head, and not overwork his horse, there is every hope that he will turn up again.

  20. The hopefulness of the mill communities lies in just those elements that overwork in the adult and that child labour will ultimately destroy.

  21. For the first three weeks of my life as a factory girl I saw among my companions only one vast class of slaves, miserable drudges, doomed to dirt, ugliness and overwork from birth until death.

  22. To this she has adhered through illness and overwork for thirty-one years.

  23. He maintains that overwork slew Pansay, who died under his hands about three years ago.

  24. He says that more men are killed by overwork than the importance of this world justifies.

  25. Overwork started his illness, kept it alight, and killed him poor devil.

  26. She looks after the health of other people as well as her own; she does not keep her maid sitting up night after night, or overwork her dressmaker.

  27. This causes overwork of the special arteries connected with digestion and so leads to sclerosis of the vessels of the stomach, pancreas, and intestines.

  28. Muscular Overwork= Muscular overwork is to be reckoned with as an etiologic factor.

  29. Premature old age, due to overwork and undernourishment, is on its way to be proceeded against as a record of social neglect.

  30. The families in which unemployment is frequent or overwork keeps the father as well as the mother under the pressure of nervous exhaustion, are the families in which the right of the child to two competent parents is grossly denied.

  31. If the city makes a break and gets busy and we're nearly crazy with overwork they don't boost us up.

  32. Anger exhausts itself in a few minutes, fatigue in a few hours, and real overwork with a week's rest, but worry grows ever worse.

  33. Neurasthenia is a disease due to nerve-exhaustion and poisoning from overwork and worry.

  34. Overwork and the under nourishment of muscle, nerve, brain, render her own proper evolution either as a physical or as a moral being impossible.

  35. To keep rested we must not overwork our body inside or outside.

  36. We overwork our body inside when we do not give it its due amount of fresh air.

  37. You have overworked them all, and such overwork is the more fatiguing in proportion to what is done than any other form, except overwork of the brain.

  38. Overwork will be impossible in the iron trade, because a sufficient number will be employed to prevent overwork.

  39. He does this with perfect security, because he has an unlimited amount of young labor always at his disposal to replace employees prematurely worn out from overwork and the diseases that come from overwork.

  40. An altogether incredible amount of overwork by everybody, reaching its extreme in the twelve-hour shift for seven days in the week in the steel mills and the railway switchyards.

  41. Even the most merciful factory owners have to overwork their employees in order to sell goods at prices fixed by the merciless market.

  42. He therefore fed his slaves and did not overwork them.

  43. For this purpose he lengthens these working years to the utmost possible; and accordingly feeds and clothes his slave sufficiently and does not overwork him.

  44. Another principal object of this proposed organization is to prevent overwork and unemployment, that necessarily lead to drunkenness, pauperism, prostitution, and crime.

  45. In the paragraphs quoted above you were told of the effects on health of overwork and of insufficient sleep.

  46. There are those who overtax their minds through months and years, forgetful that there is a close connection between overwork and dyspepsia.

  47. On the other hand, how often have we seen the reverse--families whose energies have been used up in overwork or sensuality producing offspring below themselves in ability.

  48. Their family physician has told me that the overwork and privation of the parents at the time of their birth and before, was undoubtedly the cause of the children's inferiority.

  49. There is only one chance of your doing that," Mr. Bullsom rejoined, "and that is if you overwork yourself.

  50. Another significant fact is that after the posting of the daily record was abolished there was no falling off in the daily average, as had been anticipated, while complaints of overwork necessarily ceased.

  51. During the first month many were actually sick from overwork when doing seven hundred, while after that time the idea that the work was unusually trying was never referred to.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overwork" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    burden; busy; drive; exaggerate; exhaust; fag; hustle; oppress; overdo; overdrive; overemphasis; overstrain; overtax; overwork; scratch; slave; strain; sweat; task; tax; work