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Example sentences for "elongate"

Lexicographically close words:
elocution; elocutionary; elocutionist; elocutionists; eloges; elongated; elongates; elongating; elongation; elongations
  1. The idea that eggs laid by the smaller females are more slender and elongate is not supported by my own data.

  2. Munro noted also that shape of eggs in the two clutches differed; the smaller snake produced more elongate eggs of smaller diameter.

  3. The Pelecinidae--included here by Ashmead--are large insects with remarkably elongate abdomens and undivided trochanters.

  4. But in Andrena and its allies it is comparatively short, while in the higher genera, such as Apis and Bombus, it is elongate and flexible, forming a most elaborate and perfect organ for taking liquid food.

  5. They are recognizable by their slender and elongate hind-legs; many of them provision their burrows with spiders.

  6. In the Entomobryidae the body is elongate and clearly segmented, but the dorsal region (tergum) of the prothorax is much reduced and the head downwardly directed; the spring is well developed.

  7. In addition to the complete absence of wings and of metamorphosis, the Aptera are characterized by peculiar elongate mandibles (figs.

  8. The head of a bristle-tail carries a pair of compound eyes and a pair of elongate many-jointed feelers.

  9. The papilla continues to elongate and the cryptogam to increase, until finally it invades nearly the entire length of the papilla.

  10. Defn: A form of spore, usually elongate or falciform, and somewhat amoboid, produced by segmentation of the schizonts of certain Sporozoa, as the malaria parasite.

  11. As soon as leaves have grown fully, the internodes begin to elongate rapidly separating the leaves.

  12. These new motions are of a peculiar kind, tending to distend the old, and to produce new fibres, and thence to elongate the straight muscles, which serve locomotion, and to form new vessels at the extremities or sides of the vascular muscles.

  13. The heat is occasioned from the increased secretions either of mucus, or of the fibres, which produce or elongate the vessels.

  14. Has an elongate cylindrical downy larva, which rolls itself into a ring when touched; the pupa changes in a close gummy oval cocoon, remarkably small for the size of the imago.

  15. The coloration remains much the same as described by Melin, except that he failed to note the presence of four elongate spots on the back.

  16. The genus is characterized by a moderate-sized araphic submentalis muscle and an undifferentiated intermandibularis having an elongate median aponeurosis.

  17. An elongate flake shaped into a grattoir, or planing tool, at one end, from La Madeleine.

  18. Industrial and art implements of Magdalenian times, chiefly elongate flakes retouched at one or at both ends for various uses.

  19. Typical shouldered points (pointes a cran)--elongate flakes worked on one or both sides and notched.

  20. The borer is also fashioned of an elongate flake and sometimes finished with a very fine point at one of its extremities.

  21. The ornamentation consists of engraved elongate lines or beaded lines, and of deep grooves perhaps intended for the insertion of poisonous fluids or the outlet of blood.

  22. The form here considered is remarkable for its delicacy; extremely thin, perhaps one layer only of overlying elongate flexuous sporangia(?

  23. Readily recognizable by the elongate sporangia and the lengthened columella unique among physarums.

  24. With very few exceptions, the larva in this group is active and campodeiform, with cerci and elongate legs as in the Adephaga, but the leg has only four segments and one claw.

  25. The Brenthidae are a remarkable family almost confined to the tropics; they are elongate and narrow in form (fig.

  26. The fore-legs are elongate and adapted for clasping, while the short and flattened intermediate and hind legs form very perfect oar-like propellers.

  27. They are rotund or elongate insects with conical front haunches, the elytra generally covering (fig.

  28. The beetles are usually elongate and elegant in form, often adorned with bright bands of colour, and some of the tropical species attain a very large size (figs.

  29. The larvae are remarkable for their small head, very broad thorax, with reduced legs, and narrow elongate abdomen.

  30. The Cerambycidae, or longhorn beetles, are recognizable by their slender, elongate feelers, which are never clubbed and rarely serrate.

  31. The larvae are elongate and worm-like, with short legs but often with hard strong cuticle.

  32. The prothorax is convex in front, and is usually drawn out behind into a prominent process on either side, while the elytra are elongate and tapering.

  33. The entire mouth region of the body is usually drawn out into an elongate tapering proboscis which is generally curved dorsally at the extremity.

  34. The peristome is elongate and sac-form, and the mouth lies at the posterior extremity.

  35. The large, open mouth lies on the anterior half of the ventral surface, and is elongate and oval in outline.

  36. Form elongate and cylindrical, or often flattened dorso-ventrally, with round or pointed ends.

  37. The nucleus is elongate and somewhat curved; it lies against the posterior wall of the rather thick shell.

  38. The general form is elongate and cylindrical or somewhat smaller anteriorly.

  39. Free-swimming animals of elongate form, more or less elastic, and flexible, bending readily to avoid obstacles, etc.

  40. The macronucleus is double and consists of two elongate cylindrical masses lying parallel with one another.

  41. The body is extremely elongate and ribbon-like, and this, combined with its wonderful power of extension and retraction, makes it one of the most curious and interesting of microscopic forms.

  42. I noted that in addition to the elongate nucleus, the body striƦ are much more apparent here and seem to sink into the cuticle, giving the periphery, especially at the collar region, a curious crenulated effect.

  43. The nucleus is elongate and extends through the greater part of the posterior half.

  44. The general structure is similar to that of Vorticella, but the individuals are elongate and occupy houses.

  45. This is either a long slit extending from the anterior end well down the ventral surface, or the posterior part only of a ventral furrow remains open as a round or elongate mouth some distance from the anterior end.

  46. The stomach is elongate and slender and narrowly rounded at the base.

  47. Certain forms of this genus are liable to become compacted together in such a way as to constitute solid masses consisting of elongate vertical zooecia closely parallel to one another and sometimes agglutinated by means of a gummy substance.

  48. They vary considerably in size and shape, many of them being asymmetrical and some elongate and sausage-shaped.

  49. Kraepelin, from the island of Luzon, but the latter has a smooth and polished ectocyst devoid of annulations, and zooecia of a more elongate and regular form.

  50. My Indian specimens come nearest to the form described by Potts as Meyenia robusta, but have rather more slender skeleton-spicules and more elongate gemmule-spicules.

  51. Other forms go further and secrete a gummy substance that glues the upright zooecia together and forces them to elongate themselves without branching.

  52. The majority of the free statoblasts are elongate and truncate or subtruncate at the extremities, the sides being as a rule straight and parallel.

  53. The fixed statoblasts are elongate and surrounded by an irregularly shaped chitinous membrane, which is often of considerable extent.

  54. The alimentary canal is elongate and slender as a whole, the oesophagus (including the pharynx) being of considerable length.

  55. The free statoblasts are variable in length, sometimes distinctly elongate, sometimes elongate only to a moderate degree; they are rounded at the extremities and have the sides slightly or distinctly convex outwards.

  56. A zooecium often gives rise first to an anterior daughter-zooecium, the proximal part of which becomes elongate and attenuated in due course, and then to a pair of lateral daughter-zooecia situated one on either side.

  57. The zooecia are of almost equal width throughout, slender, and moderately elongate when recumbent.

  58. In the second division of the body the ventral lobe is similarly elongate and bifid at the tip with the inner or more dorsal lobe the longer; but the lobes are characteristically more divergent, thinner and more slender.

  59. The elytra in general are unusually elongate in an oblique direction, the long axis running from the outer end cephalomesad; the outline subelliptic, the caudomesal edge broadly convex, the opposite one a little incurved at middle.

  60. Eyes small, transversely elongate and often curved, the two on each side close together and sometimes almost fused, with the posterior one well mesad of but only a little caudad of the anterior one.

  61. Notocirral laminae of the middle and posterior regions much less elongate and flattened with their ventral conical lobe much more pronounced throughout, more as in the smaller specimens of vexillosa.

  62. The notocirri rather more slender and narrowed more evenly distally, not incurved on each side distally so as to leave an elongate tip set off from the rest.

  63. The prostomium is similarly elongate and pointed but is more slender; it is borne at the end of the peristomium which has the form of a truncate cone.

  64. A characteristic feature is the elongate form of the nephridial papillae, these in the type as preserved being mostly near three times as long as thick at the middle.

  65. Neuropodial setae light amber-colored; arranged in the usual vertically elongate patch, presenting a narrow dorsal half and a broader ventral one.

  66. The result of this combined action on our planet would elongate its ecliptic orbit, and so far draw it from the source of heat, as to produce an intensity of cold destructive to animal life.

  67. Newton believed that the planets might so conspire as to derange the earth's annual revolution, and to elongate the line of the apsides and ellipsis that the earth describes in its annual revolution round the sun.

  68. Instead of being a simple rounded sac, it is elongate and composed of several pouches.

  69. Towards the close of stage K the thyroid body begins to elongate and become solid, though it still retains its attachment to the wall of the oesophagus.

  70. During stages M and N the ureters elongate considerably, and, since the foremost ones grow the most rapidly, they soon come to overlap those behind.

  71. Bird with tail more elongate in form than usual.

  72. In this the outer decoration varies in having the elongate triangle or lance point double, and the inner in having the figure of a mule or donkey.

  73. The geometric figures present an endless variety; but we notice, as is shown by the cuts and plates, that triangles with an elongate acuminate apex and the zigzag are very common in the black-brown decorations.

  74. In the Jaboo country on the Bight of Benin in West Africa, Daniell stated, it was considered ornamental to elongate the labia and the clitoris artificially; small weights were appended to the clitoris and gradually increased.

  75. Two to five (usually three) elongate black spots are present in the scapular region in different individuals.

  76. Dorsum smooth; snout pointed; vocal sac dark gray; tarsal fold absent; trace of web between fingers; two or more elongate dark spots in scapular region H.

  77. The baculum in microtines consists of an elongate stalk, having a laterally, and to a lesser extent dorsoventrally, expanded base and an attenuate distal shaft.

  78. The pith seems to push up or elongate the bud by its elasticity, like the pith in the callow quills of birds.

  79. The attraction of the particles of the precipitated silver to each other causes the beginning branches to thicken and elongate into trees and shrubs rooted on the mercury.

  80. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "elongate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    continue; draw; elongate; elongated; enlarge; extend; extended; increase; lengthen; lengthy; long; produce; prolong; protract; pull; strain; stretch; tense; tighten