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Example sentences for "tropical"

Lexicographically close words:
trophic; trophied; trophies; trophy; tropic; tropically; tropics; tropism; tropisms; tropole
  1. She was clad in a calamanco raiment, and was further adorned with a variety of gaudily colored trimmings, vastly suggestive of the tropical world of which she was an inhabitant.

  2. The moonlight shone with a peaceful and resplendent illumination, and, excepting certain remote noises from the distant town, not a sound broke the silence and the peacefulness of the balmy, tropical night.

  3. But still she strove, fighting against fate, and so it was that in the tropical America it was one continual war between her and all the world.

  4. Several times Mainwaring, though racked by his own wounds, sat beside the dying man through the silent watches of the tropical nights.

  5. Either there were some secret hiding places upon the island (which was not very likely) or else they had escaped in boats hidden somewhere among the tropical foliage.

  6. Many such thoughts passed through Mainwaring's mind, and he pondered them through the still reaches of the tropical nights while he sat watching the pirate captain struggle out of the world he had so long burdened.

  7. Therefore do I attempt atonement for obvious neglect by the scarcely less laborious delight of acclimatising plants from distant tropical countries.

  8. Except for a wayward garden and the most wilful plantation of tropical fruit-trees, no change has been wrought for which the genius of the Isle need demand satisfaction.

  9. Just as in the spring a young man's fancies lightly turn to thoughts of love, so at the beginning of each new year in tropical Queensland the minds of the weather sages become sensitive and impressionable.

  10. How pleasant it was to think that the discordant labour of the tropical agriculturist was past!

  11. But to assume indifference to present conditions, to decline to accept in full measure the redolence of the season which stands for spring in tropical Australia, to refuse to be grateful for it all, would be inhuman.

  12. Without beginning and without end, the perpetual motion of tropical vegetation is but slightly influenced by the weather.

  13. Since my friend is not an enthusiast in regard to tropical fruits, his reverie is all the more reasonable.

  14. Thus to muse in the dim arcade of the jungle absorbing the sounds of the birds, and of the murmuring sea, while a horse did all the work, in holiday humour, was the very bliss of the tropical farmer.

  15. The natural vegetation ranges from the most typically tropical plants, such as the mangosteen, to forms of the Temperate Zone, such as pines and violets, on the northwestern mountains.

  16. The primeval jungles of the western and northern mountains show untrammeled Nature at her tropical best.

  17. Many times we were up to our waists in the slime and blubber of an old, semi-tropical swamp.

  18. As it passed across the face of the moon the light shone clearly through the membranous wings, and it looked like a flying skeleton against the white, tropical radiance.

  19. Our road was persistently upwards, and as we ascended the woods became thinner and lost their tropical luxuriance.

  20. We have shaken off some of that horrible insect life which is the bane of tropical travel.

  21. The air was calm, full of the eternal hum of insects, a tropical chorus of many octaves, from the deep drone of the bee to the high, keen pipe of the mosquito.

  22. Within the humid tropical regions ants and other insects enter as a large factor in rock decomposition, as they do also in producing not unimportant surface irregularities.

  23. Within temperate or tropical climes the snow line lies so high that only the loftier mountains are able to support glaciers.

  24. In the dank tropical jungle, upon the vast arid sand plains, and in the cold white spaces near the poles, Nature has instituted peculiar and widely different processes.

  25. Thus in tropical Brazil the glaciers are found in the Andes upon the Pacific coast though nourished by clouds from the Atlantic.

  26. All the maple and oak leaves were now scarlet, orange, or crimson, each hue vivid; they died in a glory to which no tropical leaf ever attains.

  27. It seems that there is among moralists a hatred against the primeval forest and against the tropics, and that the tropical man must, at any price, be discredited.

  28. Cæsar Borgia, are radically misunderstood; Nature is misunderstood so long as a fundamental diseased condition is sought for in these healthiest of all tropical monsters and growths.

  29. He had gone forth from the loneliness of his home to the loneliness of the tropical forest; and he had returned to the loneliness of London.

  30. There was not much talk among them of philosophy so long as the footmen were floating round them like mighty tropical birds.

  31. But those crimson drops: were they not the blood of the men who had perished miserably while endeavoring to wrest its marvels from the tropical forests of that great island?

  32. When the Montagues arrived, they found the Riverside mansion--which was decorated in imitation of an Arabian palace--turned into a jungle of tropical plants.

  33. The grand staircase and the hall and parlours had been turned into tropical gardens, with palms and trailing vines, and azaleas and roses, and great vases of scarlet poinsettia, with hundreds of lights glowing through them.

  34. The band struck up a lively air as the boat started; and nothing could be more exhilarating than the strains of the music, in the soft sunshine and mild, sweet air of that semi-tropical region.

  35. I had spent the winter in more tropical regions, and the flowers and the oranges were nothing new to me.

  36. The cayman, found in the East Indies and in tropical South America, is different in some respects from either.

  37. There are plenty of semi-tropical plants, and the scene is as unlike anything in the North as possible.

  38. The Ganges, rushing through a hundred channels to the sea, has formed a vast plain of rich mold which, even under the tropical sky, rivals the verdure of an English April.

  39. A summer at the little Colorado River town is quite hot enough, however, to please the most tropical savage.

  40. The town, with the Governor’s house, a handsome building, standing out prominently on the foreshore, looked very peaceful and harmless in the brilliant tropical sunshine.

  41. It was practically the first since we left Bombay, and it rained in a truly tropical manner, coming down literally in sheets.

  42. Even his tropical scenes strive in no way toward artificiality of effect, but give rather the sense of their profundity than of oddity, of their depth and mystery than of peculiarity.

  43. There is no array of pigment sufficient to satisfy him as for what heat and cold do to his sensibility, as experienced by the opposite poles of a New England winter and a tropical Mexican landscape.

  44. French subjects beyond seas will certainly avail themselves of privileges not to be had at home, carrying away with them knowledge of the greatest service in tropical France.

  45. Gems, butterflies' wings, feathers of tropical birds are not more brilliant than these hues, while each design is thoroughly artistic, and in its way an achievement.

  46. Following her guidance we walked in procession round the corners of several secluded roads, whose yellow stone walls, flat roofs, and almost tropical foliage looked Oriental under the evening glow.

  47. Her beginning to dance had been like a change of atmosphere; outside, she had been steeped in arctic frigidity by comparison with the tropical sensations here.

  48. Well, I declare I had forgotten that they have them all through the tropical regions around the Orinoco, the Magdalena and the Amazon.

  49. All this time I have sustained life by means of fruits that grow in abundance in this tropical valley.

  50. Upon hurrying to the pilot house and making inquiries of Felipe he learned that, just as he suspected, the animal was a jaguar, the most feared inhabitant of the tropical forests away off at the headwaters of the Magdalena and Orinoco rivers.

  51. These happened to face the deck, however, so that the vessel was admirably suited to cruising in tropical regions.

  52. And even though they passed safely through all these, there must be many more to come, after they had launched their little airship, and started to explore the strange regions of this tropical land.

  53. Pretty soon things began to look fairly cheerful in that lonely glade situated in the heart of the tropical forest.

  54. Then there were the patches of tropical vegetation, the fruit trees and the cocoa plantations--all those interesting things which neither of them had ever set eyes on before.

  55. The last glimpse they had of the river was the flood that was pouring out between the jaws of land marking one of the mouths of the Magdalena and making a distinct yellow area in the salty waters of the tropical ocean.

  56. After that other ascent in the heart of the tropical forest he declared he did not mean to let anything appal him henceforth.

  57. Indeed, one might even have suspected that they had always been accustomed to living in a region where all manner of tropical fruits abounded, coffee and cocoa were raised as crops, and birds of brilliant plumage flew overhead.

  58. He knew that it was apt to prove a difficult task, landing in that enclosed valley, where the vegetation must be of a tropical order.

  59. Both of the boys were so excited that they paid little attention to the strange scenes which now surrounded them in the valley town far back in the interior of tropical Colombia.

  60. By degrees Andy realized that this business of camping in the heart of a tropical forest was no laughing matter.

  61. New World including tropical and South America and the adjacent islands.

  62. No wonder that the brave and holy Columbus, with his crew, should feel transported with joy at the sight of the tropical isles on which they first set foot.

  63. The soft, tropical sun shone down on this poetical scene, and as the powerful arms of the oarsmen propelled the boat, the breezes played over us and the green waters.

  64. Nearly every building had a peculiarly exquisite tint, and all were flooded and enriched with the mellow, tropical sunlight.

  65. Behind it, Fort Cabaña looked long, bold and ancient, backed on the east by evergreen hills, and decorated on the south by palms and other tropical trees.

  66. Lovely isles and emerald shores presented their wealth of waving palms, bananas, and tropical growths.

  67. After the tropical rains begin, vegetation immediately returns, the springs increase, the rivers run, and the pools are again filled with water.

  68. Water being, therefore, an element of such vital importance in the production of vegetation, it becomes necessary to take a very short practical view of the tropical rains which deluge the centre of Africa.

  69. Having thus crossed the Nile, they proceeded to Halfaia, where the tropical rains terminate.

  70. The houses are chiefly of clay, with conical roofs, the usual mode of construction within the region of the tropical rains.

  71. To escape from the Mexican shot sentries often had to burrow in the sand, and under the tropical sun they learned to appreciate the power of the old brick oven.

  72. Then came dense forests, cut here and there by a road and occasionally diversified with oases of cultivated land, richly scented by tropical fruits and flowers.

  73. A big tropical moon rose out of Asia and spread a silvery wash upon the ocean.

  74. When she came toward me I thought of the years I had wasted down in that lonely quarter where ambition is strangled by lassitude bred in tropical sunshine, and the ghost of the man I might have been banged me fair between the two eyes.

  75. The path continued to ascend, but the thick tropical growth did not lessen during the tramp of the morning.

  76. The ground rose gradually toward the centre of the island, where columns of basalt loomed like the towers of feudal castles against the pure Venetian blue of the tropical sky.

  77. Its very luxuriance produced that fear of the wild which grips one in tropical countries but which is never felt in lands situated in the temperate zones.

  78. Arriving at this decision we came back to the camp and crawled quietly under the rug, where we watched the mystical monument till the flaming tropical dawn lit up the valley.

  79. In the morning we left a temperate climate where the cereals and fruits are those common to the United States, we halted in the evening in a tropical climate where the orange and banana, the coffee and the sugar-cane were flourishing.

  80. The country through which we passed, between these two towns, is tropical in climate and productions and rich in scenery.

  81. At intervals the rain would pour down in streams, followed in not many minutes by a blazing, tropical summer's sun.

  82. There was no telling what the casualties might be among Northern troops working and living in trenches, drinking surface water filtered through rich vegetation, under a tropical sun.

  83. It is found in almost all regions of the earth and in many tropical lands in both hemispheres.

  84. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tropical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    tropical climate; tropical climates; tropical countries; tropical cyclones; tropical forest; tropical fruits; tropical marine; tropical monsoon; tropical nature; tropical regions; tropical seas; tropical vegetation