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Example sentences for "geometric"

Lexicographically close words:
geomancers; geomantic; geometer; geometers; geometriae; geometrical; geometrically; geometrician; geometricians; geometrid
  1. Moldavian and Transylvanian textiles vary a great deal from one location to another and include both geometric and figurative designs.

  2. Pillars and frames of houses and other buildings, farmyard gates, and furniture are decorated with carved geometric designs.

  3. Muntenian textiles, on the other hand, have small geometric designs spread over the whole surface.

  4. In common with the folk art of other countries of Eastern Europe, Romanian folk art uses mostly abstract and geometric designs.

  5. An acute angle is defined as "an angle less than a right angle," and is considered as positive under the general understanding that all geometric magnitudes are positive unless the contrary is stated.

  6. These methods were largely experimental, even extending to the weighing of geometric forms to discover certain relations, the proof being given later.

  7. The third is the somewhat interesting but mathematically unimportant application of the regular polygons to geometric design.

  8. The geometric principle involved is that two points determine a straight line.

  9. A second general line of exercises adapted to Book II is a continuation of the geometric drawing recommended as a preliminary to the work in demonstrative geometry.

  10. Such work in drawing should go so far, and only so far, as to arouse an interest in geometric form without becoming wearisome, and to familiarize the pupil with the use of the instruments.

  11. It should always be remembered that mental discipline, whatever the phrase may mean, can as readily be obtained from a genuine application of a theorem as from a mere geometric puzzle.

  12. As to the use of such figures in geometric design, some discussion will be offered at the close of this chapter.

  13. It will thus be seen that our treatment of proportion assumes that we already know the theory of irrationals and can apply it to geometric magnitudes, while the ancient treatment is independent of this theory.

  14. Heath distinguishes the logical from the geometric converse.

  15. Tightly packed skyscrapers with their lighted windows create random geometric patterns in the moonless cityscape and hover ominously over dimly lit streets.

  16. Since every discovery or advance in knowledge increases our chance of obtaining more, it becomes cumulative, and our progress is in geometric instead of arithmetical ratio.

  17. Toselli has called my attention to a singular predilection for arabesques and ornaments which tend to assume a purely geometric form, without loss of elegance.

  18. Cardan conceived the idea of the education of deaf mutes before Harriot; he caught a glimpse of the application of algebra to geometry and geometric constructions before Descartes.

  19. It is shown in their groupings--just as the geometric arrangement of those groupings shows also clearly their crystalline intelligence.

  20. A geometric thought of the Great Cause, of God, if you will, made material.

  21. He had dipped up some of the water, finding in it animalcule, which would, however, not account for phenomena of geometric formation and high velocity.

  22. The Persians and embroiderers in the Grecian Archipelago have excelled in such work, producing wondrously delicate textile grills of ingenious geometric patterns.

  23. Many designs are not only geometric in their basis or plan, but make use of geometric figures as the units or materials of design.

  24. This refers to the regularity, repetition, and distribution of parts; so that every good design, if reduced to its principal lines of construction, would exhibit but a few geometric lines and inclosing spaces.

  25. They were thus limited entirely to geometric forms, which, however, often fall insensibly into flower and leaf forms.

  26. On each side of this is a ground of horizontal lines bordered by a heavy colored line with ornamental triangles of solid color, with colorless geometric lines forming the corners.

  27. A clover leaf of geometric work, also in the corners.

  28. The Chaldaean monuments at Warka were covered with mosaics set in geometric designs which are the prototypes of the Parthian coloured reliefs.

  29. In a painting of a landscape, for example, it is necessary simply that the masses and the tones stand in balancing relation; the perfect symmetry of geometric exactness, characteristic of Hellenic and Renaissance art, is not required.

  30. The mathematician devises a geometric locus or an algebraic formula from a priori considerations, and afterward discovers that he has been unwittingly solving a mechanical problem, or explaining the form of a real phenomenon.

  31. Four centuries before Christ, Plato and his scholars were occupied upon the eclipse as a purely geometric speculation, and Socrates seemed inclined to reprove them for their waste of time.

  32. I sought the friendship of all wise men among the Latins, and caused youth to be instructed in languages, and geometric figures, in numbers and tables and instruments, and many needful matters.

  33. Others, again, explain and demonstrate geometric figures; and yet others with various instruments show the positions and courses of the stars and the movement of the heavens.

  34. The artisans of that day began to build rude mechanical adaptations of the geometric conceptions as concrete constructions in wood and metal, and it became the epoch of the origin of astrolabes and armillary spheres.

  35. The northern cap is centered on the pole almost with geometric exactness, and as far as the 85th parallel of latitude.

  36. Tools in bronze and iron were fashioned closely after the models of tools of stone; astrolabes and armillary spheres were first built on geometric spheres and circles; and science was then laid away for the slumber of the Dark Ages.

  37. By the principles of optics, all the rays from a star that strike a concave mirror will be reflected to the geometric focal point, provided a section of that mirror is a parabola.

  38. The process consists in taking the geometric mean of numbers above and below 5, the object being to at length arrive at 5.

  39. When all is said, however, the geometric method as universalized in philosophy is rather used by Spinoza than expounded.

  40. To every geometric mean in the column of numbers there corresponds the arithmetical mean in the column of logarithms.

  41. His method of finding the logarithms of the small primes, which consists in taking a great number of continued geometric means between unity and the given primes, may be described as follows.

  42. At cross-roads in Bellary, odd geometric patterns may sometimes be noticed.

  43. At cross-roads in the Bellary district, geometric patterns are sometimes made at night by people suffering from disease, in the belief that the affliction will pass to the person who first treads on the charm.

  44. The bevelled panels still remain, with added geometric intricacies of design, and a new feature appears in the fluted sides.

  45. It will be seen that the early types have fronts finely decorated with geometric designs panelled in the same fashion as the Jacobean chests of drawers, such as that illustrated p.

  46. The stage transitional between this and the multifarious designs with bevelled panels in geometric design is exemplified by the chest, in date about 1660, illustrated (p.

  47. The remarkable geometric disposition of the twenty spines is in this species quite the same as in Amphitholus acanthometra.

  48. The ellipsoidal fenestrated shell exhibits in the regular Ellipsida all the characters of a geometric ellipsoid; one main axis surpasses in length all other possible axes.

  49. There was a sharp click from the control panel and the scene was blotted out by the familiar maze of geometric shapes, the whirling, dancing light-forms that rushed madly past over the vast arch which spanned infinity.

  50. Brilliant geometric shapes, there were, whirling off into the vastness of space; as Bert had seen them in Tom Parker's instrument.

  51. Against the brilliant background of swift color changes and geometric light-shapes that so quickly merged into the familiar blur, Bert saw his companions as dim wraithlike forms.

  52. A further applying of this experience may be made in adjusting the pupil to other problems connected with his geometric environment; as, for example, to discover the sum of the interior angles of a triangle.

  53. When later, through the building up of his geometric knowledge, he is able to apperceive that the interior angles equal two right angles, his knowledge of a triangle expands through the synthesis of this with the former knowledge.

  54. Thus it is possible, by means of such occupations as paper folding or stick-laying, to provide interesting problems for teaching number and geometric forms.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geometric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    analytic; analytical; arithmetical; mathematical; numeric; numerical

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    geometrical figures; geometrical progression; geometrical ratio