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Example sentences for "aqueduct"

Lexicographically close words:
aquatica; aquatics; aquaticus; aquatint; aque; aqueducts; aquel; aquella; aquellas; aquello
  1. Beyond the sixth portal there are rooms with stone walls containing niches, and an aqueduct passes through one of these rooms, which is said to have been the bathing place of the Ynca.

  2. Garcilasso de la Vega relates how the Ynca Huira-ccocha caused an aqueduct to be constructed, twelve feet in depth, and more than one hundred and twenty leagues in length.

  3. Another aqueduct was made in the province of Condesuyos (Cunti-suyu), which was more than fifty-five leagues long.

  4. The aqueduct was also pulled down, in order to cut off the water supply of the enemy, and thus to make a protracted siege infeasible.

  5. Probably Solomon had also an aqueduct built so as to supply the town of Jerusalem and the temple with water from the rich spring of Etam, which was at a two hours' journey from Jerusalem.

  6. The walls were razed by Valens, and much of the materials was employed in the aqueduct of Constantinople that bears his name, and which was, by a singular coincidence, repaired by Soliman II.

  7. But the only things worth seeing in the ancient Cairo are the castle, and the aqueduct that conveys the water of the Nile into the castle.

  8. The aqueduct of the Roman emperors still remains[163].

  9. At the end of a semicircle are several basins, which seem to have been reservoirs of water; and remains of an aqueduct are still visible.

  10. This is still called the aqueduct of Khosroo Purviz; and the natives told Sir Robert, that it was one of the works constructed by that prince to win the smiles of his beloved Shirene.

  11. The aqueduct carried by the bridge is still full of flowing water, and the drops which fall from it in a fine mist make a little rainbow as the afternoon sun shines through the archway draped with maidenhair fern.

  12. There was a broken aqueduct cut in the rock at the side of the valley, and the brook slipped by a large ruined reservoir.

  13. Shut down on account of losing water when aqueduct was |drained; also cleaned coarse sand filter.

  14. The Washington Aqueduct was built half a century ago on lines which at that time were considered extraordinarily generous.

  15. The great Aqueduct is forty-one miles in length, commencing with a dam across the Croton river, six miles above its mouth.

  16. Yet, in 1842, the Great Aqueduct was finished, at a cost of thirteen million dollars.

  17. On the line of the Aqueduct are one hundred and fourteen culverts, and sixteen tunnels, and ventilators occur at the distance of one mile apart throughout the route.

  18. When the Aqueduct was undertaken, New-York numbered but two hundred and eighty thousand inhabitants, so that the supply provided was a magnificent gift to the future.

  19. The chief remains of the Roman Calagurris are the vestiges of an aqueduct and an amphitheatre.

  20. The aqueduct was constructed in quite recent times, rain-water having previously given the only supply.

  21. The road to Old Cairo by the river leads past the monastery of the "Howling" Dervishes, and the head of the aqueduct which formerly supplied the citadel with water.

  22. It was accordingly decided to carry the aqueduct in vertical shafts, one at each side of the river, at a depth of 1,100 feet below water level, and then connect these shafts with a horizontal tunnel.

  23. More water goes through a single turbine than is used in the whole of the city of New York with all its elaborate aqueduct system.

  24. The name comes from the aqueduct (forma) erected by Augustus for the supply of Capua, remains of which still exist.

  25. Thus, to restore an aqueduct in order to drink the same water that the Romans drank, in a town watered by the Doubs, is one of those absurdities which only succeed in a country place where the most exemplary gravity prevails.

  26. The Jicotea aqueduct is simply a large open cistern, built of rock and cement, attached to a brick building in which the Spanish quartermaster has his stores.

  27. The water supply of the city has been excellent since the new aqueduct was completed, in 1893, after thirty-two years of delay.

  28. An ancient tower, and the so-called aqueduct of Sertorius, 9 m.

  29. Roman theatre, a palace, baths and an aqueduct have been discovered, as well as various relics which are now deposited in the museum of Evreux.

  30. The aqueduct was probably constructed on the site of the old Roman one.

  31. In the valley of Fressinière he built an aqueduct for purposes of irrigation, overcoming prejudice and opposition by beginning the work with his own hands.

  32. Among many improvements introduced by the latter an aqueduct had been planned to furnish the hamlet with wholesome water.

  33. At the extremity of the principal walk stands an elegant open building of the Grecian order, overarching a basin into which the waters of the celebrated aqueduct of Montpelier are received, and from thence distributed through the town.

  34. There is certainly something more poetical in the stern and simple style of architecture of which this noble aqueduct is a specimen, than in the more florid and graceful school of art.

  35. The same architect was employed to restore the old Roman aqueduct of Arcueil and finished his work in 1624.

  36. So smooth and perpendicular are the supporting walls that scarcely a shrub or tuft of grass has grown upon the aqueduct in all these years.

  37. I was so struck by this appearance last year that I had the travertine partially removed by some workmen, and I found beneath it the canal of the aqueduct in a perfect state, and the bricks of the arches as uninjured as if freshly laid.

  38. An aqueduct of the great Erie canal runs close across the head of the Fall at Rochester, and is built in full confidence that the cascade will continue the sobriety and order it has hitherto preserved in its retreat.

  39. This aqueduct at Rochester is a work of some pretension.

  40. Passing through the open gate of Belin, I rode along at the side of the aqueduct to the rock of Chapultepec.

  41. Here a branch-road and the aqueduct turned off to Chapultepec, and in the angle thus formed by the two roads is the English burying-ground or cemetery.

  42. There is a large reservoir on the flat ground at the foot of the cone, with a central fountain once fed by an aqueduct from the spring at Etam, and near it are buildings which resemble, very closely, those attributable to Herod at Masada.

  43. A good supply of water here issues into a rocky basin, and was once carried by an underground aqueduct to a rock-cut tank, but is now allowed to run waste.

  44. An aqueduct follows the contour of the mountain, collecting surface-drainage and leading to some large reservoirs cut in rock.

  45. Bethlehem is supplied with water by cisterns, and from the great aqueduct which passes through the hill.

  46. When an aqueduct was to be constructed, the first step consisted in forming a large basin at the source of the supply.

  47. The Marcian Aqueduct was remarkable for the vastness and solidity of its proportions and construction.

  48. The aqueduct of which he spoke crossed the entire isthmus obliquely,--a considerable work, afterwards enlarged by the Romans.

  49. Spendius resumed: "To-morrow after sunset you will wait for me at the foot of the aqueduct between the ninth and tenth arcades.

  50. There are also a Department of Public Works, which has charge of the streets of the city, and the Croton Aqueduct and Reservoirs; a Department of Docks, charged with the construction of new piers, etc.

  51. There were many plans for supplying the city of New York with fresh water, previous to the adoption of the Croton Aqueduct scheme, but we have not the space to present them here.

  52. The aqueduct of the Aqua Martia, had an arch of sixteen feet in diameter.

  53. If we may trust Colmenarus, the aqueduct of Segovia may be compared with the most admired labours of antiquity.

  54. After these enormous structures, we may be believed when we speak of the aqueduct which Louis XIV.

  55. The aqueduct flows through the city, and runs beneath the greatest number of houses, which are at the lower end.

  56. The arch of the aqueduct of the Aqua Claudia is of hewn stone, very beautiful; that of the aqueduct of the Aqua Neronia is of bricks: they are each of them seventy-two Roman feet in height.

  57. Not to mention the aqueducts of Drusus and Rhiminius, that which gives the most striking idea of Roman magnificence, is the aqueduct of Metz, of which a great number of arcades still remain.

  58. At Narbonne, by a canal they are now opening, which leads from the great canal near the aqueduct of the river Cesse, twenty-six hundred toises, into the Aude.

  59. There are some feeble remains here of an amphitheatre of two hundred feet diameter, and of an aqueduct in brick.

  60. The remains of the Roman aqueduct are of brick: a fine pièce of Mosaic, still on its bed, forming the floor of a cellar.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aqueduct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.