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Example sentences for "countervail"

Lexicographically close words:
countersink; countersinking; counterstroke; countersunk; counterterrorism; countervailed; countervailing; counterweight; counterweights; counterwork
  1. For it will stick with the more ignorant and inferior sort of men, though men of wisdom and rank do smile at it and despise it; and yet the authority won with many doth countervail the disdain of a few.

  2. A bad man hath a title to his own, as well as a good man; and therefore if he have either legal or equitable title, you may not; nor yet if the scandal of it is like to do more hurt, than the good can countervail which you intend.

  3. And though sometimes this may occasion disagreements and delays for a time; yet, ordinarily, the securing of a faithful ministry, and other good effects, will countervail many such inconveniences.

  4. These may be embraced by treaties with the powers having no American territory, and who are most of them as little commercial as perhaps not to offer advantages which may countervail these embarrassments.

  5. Then or never must he make some bold and comprehensive movement to countervail the majority of the assembly.

  6. Grace was poured so plentifully from heaven, that it did not only countervail sin, but above measure passeth it.

  7. To countervail these misleading forces by means of a fixed rational character built up through meditation and philosophical teaching, was the grand purpose of the Stoic ethical creed.

  8. What doubt in thee could countervail Belief in it?

  9. So shall my credit countervail your shame, And the world see I have not lost the knack Of trying all the spirits: yours, my son, Wants but a fiery washing to emerge In clarity!

  10. No time was to be lost, and measures were immediately taken to countervail these designs.

  11. The fact that pædophile tendencies occur in those who are in other respects admirable persons does not countervail the need that children should be protected.

  12. Or can the hazard Of ten such lives as mine is countervail One glance of favour from thy beauteous eyes?

  13. Others will be the better for't; and if None but a Dotterel suffer for't, what loss Of his can countervail the least good fortune That may from thence blow to another man?

  14. To countervail these misleading forces, by means of a fixed rational character built up through meditation and philosophical teaching, was the grand purpose of the Stoic ethical creed.

  15. But to countervail it there needed more than a ridicule which after all reached only the class who had already cast off the beliefs derided, leaving the multitude unenlightened.

  16. English invasion was sufficient to countervail that and more.

  17. No power of earth or hell can possibly countervail the divine purpose, or hinder the outshining of the divine glory.

  18. It is utterly vain for them to attempt to countervail the divine purpose, for they may rest assured that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob will confound every scheme formed against the people of His choice.

  19. Pharaoh, in his pride and hardness of heart, attempted to countervail the divine actings, but he only meddled to his own destruction.

  20. She will be on the side of their enemies, whenever a rupture shall take place: and no arrangement of their finances can countervail this circumstance.

  21. A perfect countervail for what height soever it is to be brought unto.

  22. A perfect Countervail for what Height soever it is to be brought unto.

  23. A Vicegerent or Countervail supplying the place, and performing the full force of a Man, Wind, Beast, or Mill.

  24. Both the port-duties, and the value of fixed property at Athens, was thus augmented so as in part to countervail the costs of war.

  25. Upon this he ordered a halt and returned to the Heræum; where on the ensuing day, to countervail the bad news, he sold all his captives by auction.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countervail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.