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Example sentences for "tundra"

Lexicographically close words:
tumulus; tun; tuna; tunas; tunc; tundras; tune; tuneable; tuned; tuneful
  1. Of the tundra it is enough to say that all depends on the reindeer.

  2. Miserable indeed are the tribes or rather remnants of tribes along the Siberian tundra who have no reindeer.

  3. Being penniless he looked for work, and his first job came from a small Jewish merchant, named Guth, who offered him a hundred dollars to do the assessment work on a tundra claim.

  4. He heard talk of a prehistoric sea-beach line, a streak of golden sands which paralleled the shore and lay hidden below the tundra mud.

  5. As the climate deteriorated, and tundra conditions prevailed, the Solutrean invaders departed, apparently to the east.

  6. As the tundra conditions in Celtic lands gave way to forest, the reindeer migrated to the north and north-east, while their place was taken by the red deer.

  7. The Country Similar to the Tundra of Siberia.

  8. Doctor (later Sir John) Richardson was one of the first explorers to draw attention to the resemblance of the Barren Lands to the tundra of Siberia.

  9. In one place the learned scientist writes:—“The general character of the tundra of the east of Siberia is like that of the American barren grounds.

  10. Again he writes:—“In character the Siberian tundra is very similar to the American ones.

  11. Strange to say, as they traveled away from the tundra toward the forest at the foot of the mountain, a brown spot like a drifting shadow or prowling wolf followed them.

  12. Yet, at this moment they were planning a long and dangerous journey far out on the tundra in the hope of saving the lives of a few half savage people.

  13. These are set in the little creeks leading from the tundra lakes.

  14. Here we came to a stretch of tundra two hundred miles wide.

  15. Reaching the summit of the water-shed between the two rivers, I discovered that between me and these foothills the land was low and abounded in tundra lakes.

  16. Konikly had gone on with Fronyo, but we still had Howka with us, and he was getting fat on the tundra rats.

  17. In two hours the dogs settled down to a steady six-mile gait, and, leaving old Chrisoffsky's house on the left, I laid a direct course over the tundra for the mountains now visible far to the northeast.

  18. In summer you may struggle across six or eight miles of spongy tundra a day, but in winter you can easily cover from sixty to ninety miles, depending upon the quality of your teams and the number of your relays.

  19. The tundra was like a great marsh, through which we had to flounder.

  20. The little lakes in the tundra also contain a fish somewhat resembling the pickerel, which the natives catch in traps.

  21. The tundra was one mass of brilliant flowers, like the wrecks of rainbows.

  22. At eight that night we camped on a "tundra island," a slight rise in the general flatness on which grew a few tamarack trees.

  23. Her way had lead over low hills, across streams whose waters ran clear and cold toward the sea, down broad stretches of tundra whose soft mosses had oozed moisture at her every step.

  24. That would mean infinitely hard travel over snow that was soft and yielding, and across tundra whose frozen caribou bogs were as rough as a cordwood road.

  25. He was no longer in his own land of barren hills, tundra and sea; perhaps this caused him to err.

  26. She had come a long way over the Arctic tundra that day.

  27. The tramp across open tundra had been fearfully hard.

  28. We'll drive our herd down into the tundra where there is plenty of moss.

  29. Marian's hills and tundra were not for them.

  30. Supper over, Marian took a small trench shovel, salvaged by a friend from the great war, and scraped away the snow from above the soft, dry tundra moss.

  31. A half mile up from the camp the tundra was brown with feeding reindeer.

  32. Once I did," she smiled, "but now I belong on the tundra with our herd.

  33. As they reached the crest of the highest of these, and arrived at a place where they could get an unrestricted view of the tundra that lay beyond, an exclamation escaped Marian's lips.

  34. There were wild, desolate stretches of tundra and forest on that trail.

  35. He needed no food save that which the tundra supplied, the reindeer moss under the snow.

  36. Snipe and reed birds were noisy in the hollows and from the misty tundra lakes came the honking of brant.

  37. Past them ran the iron rails of the narrow-gauged road which led out across the quaking tundra to the mountains and the mines.

  38. The day after they got out on the tundra (May 29th) the caravan set off at full speed, the Syrianes being anxious to get quickly past a place where a whole herd of reindeer had perished some years before.

  39. In the middle of May, as the caravan approached the tundra region, the wood got thinner and thinner, and by May 27th it was nothing but scattered underwood.

  40. When the scanty news of the tundra had been well discussed they took their departure.

  41. After this came quite small bushes and weeds, and then at last the interminable tundra came in sight.

  42. Your ancestors, son of my son," he would say, "conquered the tundra and lived upon it for thousands of years without the need of such womanish things.

  43. It was only early October, but here in the tundra country the wind had a tendency to be chill and biting in the morning, even at this time of year.

  44. Just as the coniferous forest and tundra in Asia produce many small fur-bearing animals, so do the forest and tundra of North America.

  45. Next we have a wide band of predominantly coniferous forest, which, although its species are different, yet in broad outline is entirely homologous with the coniferous forest found in northern Asia, south of the tundra region.

  46. Here we come to a tundra region, where the place of trees is taken by low-growing shrubs, with small leaves and other adaptations to ensure against excessive loss of water.

  47. In the northern part of North America, both in the tundra and the forest region, the aborigines used both snow-shoes and sledges.

  48. To the south of the Asiatic forest stretches a zone of steppes passing into desert, and even into tundra in the elevated regions of Central Asia.

  49. To the north we have the cold tundra region, passing to the south into the forest region.

  50. To the far north there is a treeless tundra region, quite comparable to that which occurs over vast areas in North Asia, and on a reduced scale in the northern part of the continent of Europe.

  51. So we came at last to a tundra vast and dark and grim and lone; And there was the little lone moose trail, and we knew it for our own.

  52. Oh, the tundra sponge it was golden brown, and some was a bright blood-red; And the reindeer moss gleamed here and there like the tombstones of the dead.

  53. Out on the tundra he hurried straight to the nearest bunch of willows.

  54. He held straight northward until he left the bush and reached the open tundra at the spot where the caribou the day before had swung away farther north.

  55. In June the coastal areas are characterized by a snow-free tundra teeming with nesting waterfowl and shorebirds next to an expanse of sea ice almost completely devoid of bird life.

  56. If ice decomposition is retarded by persistent low temperatures, the initiation of breeding may be delayed at northern Bering Sea colonies and for some tundra species.

  57. Their constant occupancy of sites where the vegetative mat is breakaway tundra (Amundsen 1972) or is underlain by sand results in the destruction of these sites.

  58. He had crossed the barren tundra where only moss can live and the shallow bog that steams in summer rests on frozen soil.

  59. In general, the miner struggles with half-thawn gravel that often fills up his shallow shaft, and sometimes nearly starves in the tundra bogs, while the man with money enough to work the vein gets the profit.

  60. Up there, we had no wages to pay, and could stop and root up the tundra until we froze, and when our money is spent the boys will light out.

  61. Desolate league upon league, ice-pack and tundra and hill; And the dark of the year when the gold-hunter's rocker and dredge are still!

  62. Benkendorf saw his Mammoth, was exceptional on account of its unusually warm summer, so that the ground of the tundra region thawed, and was converted into a morass.

  63. The presence of fir-spikes in the stomach is sufficient to prove that it fed on vegetation such as is now found at the northern part of the woods as they join the low treeless tundra in which the body lay buried.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tundra" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.