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Example sentences for "regularize"

Lexicographically close words:
regulam; regular; regularise; regularities; regularity; regularized; regularly; regulars; regulate; regulated
  1. We should try in addition to regularize defecation by stimulating it at regular intervals (to be gradually increased in length) through light massages and hot rubbings on the abdomen.

  2. They stimulate and regularize the cerebral circulation.

  3. It is absolutely necessary to stimulate and regularize perspiration over the whole surface of the body.

  4. Our remedial effort should be in two directions: we should try to regularize the operation of the intestines by giving solidity to the excretions; secondly, we should endeavor to strengthen the sphincter muscles.

  5. If it does not exist, then my argument for the organization of society along lines that recognize and regularize diversity of social status and functions, falls to the ground.

  6. Their supply of money was coming to an end; attempts must be made to regularize that position by drawing on Mrs. Warren's German investments and the capital she still had in Belgian stock--if that were negotiable at all.

  7. She had come to Lady Henry firmly determined to marry as soon and as well as she could--to throw off the slur on her life--to regularize her name and place in the world.

  8. She must want to regularize her position.

  9. It must therefore be a benefit to the community, if this element of unavoidable chance cannot be reduced as a whole, at least to regularize it and make it exactly calculable for any individual.

  10. Continuously since 1873 the Government of India had been trying by every correct and reasonable method to regularize their intercourse with Tibet.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regularize" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adjust; arrange; array; assimilate; balance; chart; codify; coordinate; damp; deploy; dispose; equalize; even; fix; flatten; form; grade; harmonize; integrate; level; marshal; order; organize; pacify; plan; proportion; quiet; rank; rationalize; regularize; regulate; settle; smooth; stabilize; standardize; stereotype; structure; synchronize; systematize; tranquilize; integrate; level; marshal; order; organize; pacify; plan; proportion; quiet; rank; rationalize; regularize; regulate; settle; smooth; stabilize; standardize; stereotype; structure; synchronize; systematize; tranquilize