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Example sentences for "topsoil"

Lexicographically close words:
tops; topsail; topsails; topside; topsides; topstone; topsyturvy; topt; topworked; topworking
  1. Scraping 1 or 2 inches of topsoil from the area, or covering the area with 1 or 2 inches of uncontaminated dirt will not be practical.

  2. Use the CAM or M8 detector paper to check the area after the topsoil is removed to ensure complete agent removal.

  3. Topsoil plus light, air and moisture provide the elements necessary for producing vegetation.

  4. Topsoil may also be deepened by dust storms that pick up particles of humus from dry lands and carry them to moister areas.

  5. In temperate climates with normal rain and snowfall, the topsoil of grasslands or a forest may be deepened year by year and century by century.

  6. Topsoil is lost through erosion--wind erosion, water erosion, erosion through over cropping.

  7. Levels of other mineral nutrients are usually two or three times as high in the topsoil as well.

  8. Since winter rains leach nutrients from the topsoil and deposit them in the subsoil, plowpan prevents access to these nutrients and effectively impoverishes the field.

  9. It is not unusual to find a sandy topsoil underlaid with a dense, cement-like, clayey sand subsoil extending down several feet.

  10. Keeping the topsoil damp does greatly improve the growth of some shallow-feeding species such as lettuce and radishes.

  11. A healthy topsoil organic matter level in our climate is about 4 percent.

  12. Such a loosening of the topsoil for the purpose of reducing evaporation from the topsoil has come to be called cultivation, and includes plowing, harrowing, disking, hoeing, and other cultural operations by which the topsoil is stirred.

  13. The normal process of weathering or soil disintegration will then go on most actively in the topsoil and the subsoil will remain unweathered and raw.

  14. When this practice is continued for considerable periods, the topsoil becomes rich in organic matter, which assists in retarding evaporation, besides increasing the fertility of the land.

  15. Moreover, many of the drills have attachments whereby the soil is pressed around the seed and the topsoil afterwards stirred to prevent evaporation.

  16. Ordinarily, the farmer can further the formation of a dry topsoil layer by stirring the soil thoroughly.

  17. In both of these typical cases it is evident that as the topsoil was loosened, the full field water capacity of the soil was more nearly approached to a greater depth.

  18. However, as the topsoil becomes drier, that is, as the water fihn becomes thinner, there is an attempt at readjustment, and water moves upward to take the place of that lost by evaporation.

  19. Students of dry-farming all agree that thorough cultivation of the topsoil prevents the evaporation of soil-moisture, but some have questioned the value of deep and fall plowing and the occasional clean summer fallow.

  20. Heavy, thorough disking in spring or fall, or both, is advisable, for it leaves the topsoil in a condition to prevent evaporation and admit air.

  21. Ultimately, this results in the removal from the topsoil of the necessary plant-foods and the accumulation in the subsoil of the fine clay particles which so compact the subsoil as to make it difficult for roots and even air to penetrate it.

  22. First of all it is to be remembered that the principles of dry-farming require that the topsoil be kept very loose and spongy.

  23. It is imperative that at the very earliest moment after a spring or summer rain the topsoil be well stirred to prevent evaporation.

  24. Place the topsoil on one side of the hole; on the other the poorer subsoil.

  25. Now below the topsoil is a lighter coloured, less fertile, more rocky layer, the subsoil.

  26. If the topsoil is very poor, get some good, rich, black soil.

  27. The plow pan is that seven inches of topsoil that is flipped over by a moldboard plow, the seven inches where most biological activity occurs, where virtually all of the soil's organic matter resides.

  28. This sad story is told in Carter and Dale's fascinating, but disturbing, book called Topsoil and Civilization that I believe should be read by every thoughtful person.

  29. Two million pounds equals one thousand tons of topsoil in the first seven inches of an acre.

  30. This saves going all along the rows with a shingle to pat down the topsoil or the humus or the magnesia bottles or whatever else is uppermost.

  31. The topsoil and the humus may be a little mixed, but we are not going to sort them out by hand.

  32. Moreover, newly drained and deeply plowed land requires time for frost, air, sunshine and rain to sweeten and enliven the soil after the mixture by these operations of live topsoil with inert subsoil.

  33. As elsewhere on the site, the topsoil over the pit had been removed, leaving only the lower portions of the dirty yellow clay deposit intact.

  34. A single unstratified example has been found in Williamsburg, coming from disturbed topsoil behind Capt.

  35. Topsoil and brown loam to 1 foot 8 inches over cellar hole.

  36. The loss of all the topsoil and the scooping of the upper courses of the foundations into banks to serve as windbreaks had done such damage that it was essential that something be done before the new growth took hold.

  37. The topsoil over the entire area had been disturbed to a depth of at least 1 foot, presumably by deep plowing.

  38. Finds from oystershell and artifact layer beneath topsoil southeast of the existing house.

  39. I saw the harnessing of the turbulent Missouri, muddy with the topsoil of many states.

  40. If, for example, in some local area the water table continues to drop and the topsoil to blow away, the land values will disappear with the water and the soil.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "topsoil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.