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Example sentences for "velvet"

Lexicographically close words:
veloz; veluet; velum; velut; veluti; velveteen; velveteens; velvets; velvett; velvety
  1. The females wear dark dresses and black velvet caps, whose broad wired lace worn far back from their sunburnt faces looks like the outspread wings of a hornet.

  2. A throne, covered with velvet and gold, was prepared, and here the Duke took his seat, surrounded by a brilliant throng, including many of the most distinguished personages in Europe.

  3. Its floor has been newly strewn with sweet hay, and near the altar, is the sacred image itself, adorned for the procession, dressed in linen and velvet and gilt lace, and with a chaplet of beads in its wooden hand.

  4. Determined to sell my life dearly, I drew my long knife from its velvet sheath, and gripped it, ready to strike a deadly blow in self-defence.

  5. The seats and couches were of stuffed and figured velvet from the manufactories of the queen of the Adriatic, Venice.

  6. His silken hose, and velvet shoes faced with silver thread, set off his fine limbs to perfection.

  7. A white turban was carefully folded over his brows, covering the lower portion of a small velvet cap that fitted close to the head.

  8. On her head, though not hiding her much-curled hair, was a rich escoffion of ruby velvet surmounted by pearls, and tied beneath her chin.

  9. Horses by the wayside neighed at his approach, and stretched out their velvet muzzles to be stroked.

  10. And then the General carried down with his own hands a Highland gentleman's evening dress, trews of the Royal tartan, and a velvet coat with silver buttons, and a light plaid of fine cloth.

  11. She was charming in a full black velvet gown, trimmed with heavy white lace, and her hair was crowned by a cap of pearls.

  12. He saw many a Light Weight with a gilt sign exposed on Main Street and no Assets except a Suit with a Velvet Collar, a pair of indestructible dancing Legs, and just enough intellectual Acumen to stir Tea without spilling it.

  13. A couple of lucky shots and he would be on Velvet again and whanging away like a Demon.

  14. In an old-fashioned square room, known as the State Bedroom, is the bed and furniture of crimson velvet that formerly belonged to Queen Anne.

  15. She lay back among the velvet cushions, smiling as her eyes lingered on the sky, the trees, the stream.

  16. He went to the drawing-room, where my lady sat looking regally beautiful in black velvet and point lace.

  17. The red light of the setting sun had moved then, and fell over her in great gleams on her dark velvet dress, on her exquisite point lace, and fine, costly gems.

  18. He never felt himself so thoroughly at ease as when sitting on a worn velvet bench before a square of green cloth near a heap of beer-mugs and saucers.

  19. Why, this was moulded on a porringer; A velvet dish.

  20. A silken doublet, a velvet hose, a scarlet cloak, and a copatain hat!

  21. The minister looked across at the velvet sofa with eyes that entirely contradicted the gravity of his face.

  22. She was very simply dressed, in white, and a band of velvet at her throat set off a fine cameo ringed with pearls, but her air of quiet elegance caught and held his resentful eyes.

  23. Come here,' continued Aunt Annie, holding out her hand toward the velvet sofa.

  24. Then she sat down on a velvet sofa, spread out her little blue skirt, folded her hands in her lap and crossed her ankle-ties.

  25. I did not have the least trouble in teaching Blonde not to spring at the birds, but I had a great deal with Brunette before I could make her understand that she was not to slap them with her tiny black velvet paw.

  26. Taffy stood up on his hind legs, reached out a velvet paw, and gave Dewey such a slap he fell on to the floor.

  27. King," and there entered the hall with hasty steps, a figure never to be forgotten, clad in a hunting dress of green velvet embroidered with gold, with a golden hunting horn slung round his neck.

  28. Stephen felt bound to surpass this with the last report that my Lord of York's men rode Flemish steeds in crimson velvet housings, passmented with gold and gems, and of course his uncle had the leading of them.

  29. There be a dozen tailors and all the Queen's tirewomen frizzling up a good piece of cloth of gold for the lion's mane, covering a club with green damask with pricks, cutting out green velvet and gummed silk for his garland!

  30. The marble altar steps and pillars of light green shooting up to the roof, the beautiful velvet sanctuary carpet and the crimson damask curtains hanging from the side walls of the sanctuary gave a superb effect to the full front view.

  31. Both the ministers wore the blue coat of office, with black velvet collars.

  32. The only indulgence he allowed himself was the small black velvet cap which he wore on his head, considering it the sign of household comfort.

  33. A white lace cap trimmed with dark-red velvet bows rested on her hair, which was arranged over her temples in thick gray curls, framing her face, from which a pair of brown eyes greeted us with a bright, cordial glance.

  34. A dark-blue merino, a shade lighter than a navy, with blue velvet bretelles.

  35. That there one's rayther good-looking," ventured the proprietor of the velvet and gold.

  36. The heart of the student or the visitor at Oxford swells within him at the sight of the grand architecture, the brilliant windows, the velvet turf.

  37. And what's he keep his hand wropt up in that there velvet mitten thing for?

  38. A third was Richard King, captain of an Indiaman, in a blue coat with velvet lappets and gold embroidery, buff waistcoat and breeches.

  39. Monsieur de Bonnefon, as his palanquin was borne off, soliloquized, ticking off imaginary accounts on the fingers of his left hand; the right hand was partly hidden by a black velvet mitten.

  40. Into the blur of wind and weakness and pain came two miracles--a red geranium peering out of the dusk of the room like a glowing coal, unfamiliar and therefore a delight--a bit of velvet laughter in the drab that caught his whole attention .

  41. In the velvet dimness the wistaria vine beneath her window loomed forth like a shower of shadow; a grotesque ladder of bloom warm to his mind with invisible color and yet darker to his eye than the night with its silver sheen of stars.

  42. Spurred to pictures by the old brocade, Kenny wished he had some velvet knickerbockers and a satin coat.

  43. Her velvet eyes had lost a little of their hardness; they were as round as buttons and fixed inquiringly upon the speaker.

  44. And he plied his whip and used his spurs and laughed with glee, as though he were on the velvet cushions of a Pullman car.

  45. Roses as big as peonies and grass as green and thick as the velvet turf of the Oxford "quads.

  46. More like England than any other is the climate," they say, and the exquisite velvet turf is the best evidence of this.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "velvet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affluence; alabaster; blubber; breeze; butter; cinch; clay; clover; comfort; corduroy; cotton; cushion; daintiness; delicacy; dough; down; ease; eiderdown; fabric; feather; felicity; flat; fleece; fleshpots; floss; flue; fluff; foam; fuzz; glass; happiness; ice; ivory; kapok; level; luxury; marble; nylon; picnic; pie; pillow; plane; plush; pudding; puff; refinement; rubber; satin; security; setup; silk; slide; snap; softness; success; swansdown; velvet; wax; weal; wealth; welfare; wool

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    velvet coat; velvety black