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Example sentences for "basons"

Lexicographically close words:
basking; baskit; basks; basnet; bason; bass; bassa; basses; bassin; bassinet
  1. Basons conterfete of Latyn, and two other basons of laten" spoken of.

  2. Of large basons also, wherein they mixed fine flour with oil, sixty thousand of gold, and twice as many of silver.

  3. A species of Fucus, or of Conserva, soon appears in all basons which contain water.

  4. I was at the shoare, the Master solde fiue basons vnto the same fellow, for halfe an ounce of golde.

  5. The people in this place desired most to haue basons and cloth.

  6. Some great brasse basons graued, such as in Flanders they set vpon their cupboords.

  7. This day we tooke for basons sixe ounces and a halfe and one eight part.

  8. Basons of diuers sorts, but the most lattin.

  9. We solde them both basons, and Manellios, and Margarits, but they desired most to haue basons: For the most part of our basons wee had by estimation about 30.

  10. Some great basons of pewter, and ewers grauen.

  11. A Pair of large Basons gilt and emboss’d, given by her Royal Higness the Dutchess of York, 305 Ounces.

  12. E E is a Brass hollow Tube, to convey the crowded Air near the Surface of one of the Basons of Quicksilver, which Air passes out of that into a larger hollow Pipe G G, and so into the open Air.

  13. H F and L K are Two Barometers, with their Basons in the Boxes F F, K K, which Boxes communicate by a long hollow Tube I I.

  14. In that call'd the Knights Hall, there's a Beaufet which takes up one intire side of the Room, where there are Cisterns and Basons Silver gilt, of an extraordinary Size.

  15. No Person to shew his porringers, saucers or basons with blood therein.

  16. Att this Court it is ordered that the wyddow Saunde{rs} shall no longer reteyne in her service one Allexander ffarrington uppon payne that if shee doe her basons shalbe taken downe & she comitted to the Compter.

  17. This daye it is ordered that Wheelis dwellinge in Longe Lane take downe his basons and make no shewe towardes the streete uppon payne to be comitted to the Compter.

  18. This day William Gravenor was fined for hanginge out of his basons on Bartholomew day And also Humphry Gorston.

  19. This daye it is ordered that Stephen Abraham shall take downe his basons and geve over his shop in ffynch Lane and shall continue w{th} his mr̃is mr̃is Smyth orels to be committed to prison.

  20. Att this Courte Henry Jones paid vj{d} to the pore’s box for hanginge out his basons one Twelveth day last.

  21. Though,' he says, 'the spray of the sea so near them on every hand might well be supposed to fill these Basons with salt water, yet I found the water in them to be quite fresh.

  22. The materials were plundered partly from the Coliseum and partly from the theatre of Marcellus; the granite basons of the fountains in front are from the baths of Caracalla.

  23. Thirty basons of gold, silver basons of a second sort four hundred and ten, and other vessels a thousand.

  24. They will turn Brass Basons on one of their fingers, twirling it round very swift, and wonderfully strange.

  25. A few earthen pots which hang up in slings made of Canes in the middle of their houses, having no shelves; one or two brass Basons to eat in, a stool or two without backs.

  26. In our morning's tour we, of course, visited the celebrated basons for the men-of-war.

  27. At his Arrival, he was received with Trumpets, Kettle-Drums, and Basons they beat on, and with Songs they make for such like Occasions.

  28. On the upper part they make Musick with their Tabors, and Sounding-Basons of Metal, according to which they Row faster or slower, as we Dance to our Musick.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "basons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.