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Example sentences for "bathymetrical"

Lexicographically close words:
bathroom; bathrooms; baths; bathtub; bathtubs; bating; batis; batman; batmen; bato
  1. A bathymetrical chart of the oceans, by Professor J.

  2. A Bathymetrical Survey of the Freshwater Lochs of Scotland, under the direction of Sir John Murray and L.

  3. Sir John Murray and Laurence Pullar, "Bathymetrical Survey of the Freshwater Lochs of Scotland," Geogr.

  4. Jehu, "Bathymetrical and Geological Study of the Lakes of Snowdonia," Trans.

  5. Some seventeen or eighteen localities in this Bathymetrical province were explored by means of the dredge, varying in depth from one to seventeen fathoms.

  6. In both, as in the Bathymetrical regions of the South Atlantic, the Testacea of the depths are generally smaller and less brightly coloured than those inhabiting the shallows.

  7. The Bathymetrical Features of the North Polar Sea, with a Discussion of the Continental Shelves and Previous Oscillations of Shore Line, Norwegian North Polar Expedition, vol.

  8. The existence of such bathymetrical zones has been shown by those important, if not numerous, observations of the Challenger, in which the tow-net was used at different depths at one and the same Station.

  9. Large swarms of these delicate Rhizopoda were found not only at the surface of the open ocean but also in its different bathymetrical zones.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bathymetrical" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.