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Example sentences for "beller"

Lexicographically close words:
bell; belladonna; bellboy; bellboys; belled; bellered; belles; bellhop; belli; bellica
  1. Ole Sis Cow, she paw de dirt, she did, en show de white er her eyes, en beller way down in 'er stomach.

  2. He beller so long en he beller so loud twel present'y de t'er creeturs dey 'gun ter come up fer ter see w'at de matter.

  3. Wid dat Mr. Lion, he fetch'd a beller en he jumped 'cross de creek.

  4. He beller so long un he beller so loud twel present'y de t'er creeturs dey 'gun ter come up fer ter see w'at de matter.

  5. That's how scared I am, but it don't do any good to beller about it.

  6. I guess you'd beller if your father was going to kill himself, you would.

  7. I guess we hit him five or six times, but he didn't beller for us to stop, like he usually does; he put his arm in front of his face and came right on.

  8. Bony didn't say anything, so Swatty started to tell about the bicycle, but before he got very far Bony just doubled over and put his head on his knees and began to beller like a real baby.

  9. I jes' sunk inter the rushes in a tremble, and the ole bull, with a beller that rolled down the river, turned to run.

  10. From the wood there came a menacing growl, and at the hoarse rumble of it the red bull sunk his crest and let out a beller that went rolling over the kloof.

  11. Beller and Thavies were silent as tombstones.

  12. His friends Thavies and Beller were startled by the Judge's roar in the midst of their elegant trifling about a marriage a-la-mode case which was going on.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beller" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.