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Example sentences for "boyles"

Lexicographically close words:
boyish; boyishly; boyishness; boyl; boyled; boylii; boyling; boys; boystrous; braave
  1. Drooping and weary, she returned to her tent when the sun was low, for the thought of sleep had left her with Smith's discussion of the blight of the Boyles upon that land.

  2. When it came to guarding that part of the people's heritage grandiloquently described as "the public domain," the Boyles were not always at the front, to be sure.

  3. I must professe I wondred that the winter there was so cold, when the sand boyles att the watter side for the extreame heate of the Sun.

  4. When David lost his place in the class he burst into tears, and the Blakes and the Boyles laughed.

  5. And, I must tell you also this school has gone to the dogs; there are some very bad boys here--the Boyles and the Blakes.

  6. I am afraid you will never manage the Boyles and the Blakes.

  7. The minister was on horseback, and always carried a whip with a heavy lash, and it was a beautiful sight the way he laid the lash on those Boyles and Blakes.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boyles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.