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Example sentences for "buskit"

Lexicographically close words:
busked; buskin; buskined; busking; buskins; busman; buss; bussed; busses; busshop
  1. Wallace knew weill, for he befor had seyne, 545 The kings palyon, quhar it was buskit beyne.

  2. The Scottis men in gud aray, 320 On thair best wis buskit ilkane, Stude in the strynth that thai had tane; And that wes fra the wattir of Wer A quartir of ane myle weill ner: Thai stude thar battell till abyd.

  3. Thair lay thai dayis twa or thre, And buskit syne agane to fare.

  4. The king buskit and maid him yhar, Northwardis with his men to fair.

  5. With that he buskit for to ris, That wes nocht all weill coverit then.

  6. And quhen his brothir, as he war King, Had all Erischry at his bidding, And halely Ulcister alsua, He buskit hame his way to ta.

  7. All in a rout furth can thai ga Toward Mytoune the reddy way; 555 And quhen that Scottis men herd say That thai war till thame cumand neir, Thai buskit thame on thar best maneir, And delit thame in-till battellis twa.

  8. In a littar the Kyng thai lay, And redyit thame and held thar way, That all thair fayis mycht thame se; 172 Ilk man buskit in his degre, To ficht gif thai assalyheit war.

  9. The King gert thame all buskit be, For he wist in-to certante 435 That his fayis all nycht lay At the Fawkirk, and syne at thai Held toward him the way all straucht, With mony men of mekill mawcht.

  10. The lover may sparkle and glow, Approaching his bonie bit gay thing: But marriage will soon let him know He's gotten--a buskit up naething.

  11. Ye shall gang in gay attire, Weel buskit up sae gaudy; And ane to wait on every hand, Gin ye'll leave your Collier laddie.

  12. Ye shall gang in gay attire, Weel buskit up sae gaudy; And ane to wait on every hand, Gin ye'll leave your Collier Laddie.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buskit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.