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Example sentences for "cadged"

Lexicographically close words:
cadenzas; cadet; cadets; cadetship; cadetships; cadger; cadgers; cadging; cadi; cadis
  1. I cadged cigarettes from other perfect strangers, and I carried out a First Secretary's wife in a fainting condition.

  2. At Oxford he was primarily the man who cadged invitations, directed other people's parties and exploited a heartiness of manner and a certain social position in the university for what they were worth in cash or its equivalents.

  3. He cadged me an invitation for the Embassy Ball.

  4. And when they'd cadged more tucker than they could comfortably carry, they'd camp for a day or two and eat it down.

  5. They agreed in cadging, and cadged in turn.

  6. A pathetic figure, with his cadged baths?

  7. And he helped this youngster he must hate with his studies--cadged on his probably-to-be-successful rival for a bath.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cadged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.