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Example sentences for "camisole"

Lexicographically close words:
camino; caminos; camion; camions; camisa; camlet; camlets; cammin; camomile; camote
  1. If a girl out of your mill chances to come into the kitchen and find me in my jupon and camisole preparing dinner (for you know I cannot trust Sarah to cook a single dish), she sneers.

  2. And as to the camisole and jupon, I am not quite sure about them either.

  3. Bright pink and blue ribbons in a camisole or chemise will always look a bit garish when viewed through a thin blouse.

  4. French heels only are to be considered and a georgette blouse with elaborate camisole or a silk dress is an absolute necessity.

  5. Once that camisole is on, every woman has her dignity.

  6. I suppose the world will never liberate itself from the camisole de force of idiotic customs.

  7. She wore a camisole of white calico with short arms.

  8. Her pretty foot has pressed this piece of rubber; it can be conveniently sewed to the camisole and worn next the heart.

  9. A Camisole Yoke of Embroidered Filet Net and Crochet.

  10. Her sleeves were rolled up and her camisole was slipping down her shoulders.

  11. Lalie was bare, with only the remnants of a camisole on her shoulders by way of chemise; yes, bare, with the grievous, bleeding nudity of a martyr.

  12. Time was when, to render assurance doubly sure, the convict was kept continually in a strait-jacket or camisole de force.

  13. To evade her, still holding her booty behind her to secure it from Evans, she turned her back to Miss Arnott who was not slow to avail herself of the opportunity to grip her wrists and tear the knife and camisole away from her.

  14. She narrated, with dramatic force, how first Evans and then Miss Arnott had come upon the scene, how the knife and the camisole had been wrested from her, how she herself had been ejected from the house.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "camisole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.