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Example sentences for "cancrum"

Lexicographically close words:
cancels; cancer; cancerous; cancers; cancha; candelabra; candelabras; candelabrum; candell; candid
  1. The cancrum oris has been described by some writers, as a complaint very common in England and Ireland, where it is sometimes epidemical among infants.

  2. It is there described under the erroneous title of cancrum oris.

  3. The extremely fœtid odour which pervades the room or even the house the patient occupies, is usually sufficient to suggest the diagnosis of cancrum oris.

  4. In cancrum oris, also, the bones are frequently attacked and may undergo necrosis.

  5. Much more frequently it results from cicatricial contraction of the soft parts of the face or mouth following such conditions as cancrum oris, ulceration, or burns.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cancrum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.