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Example sentences for "cappe"

Lexicographically close words:
capon; capons; capote; capotes; cappa; capped; cappes; cappin; capping; capric
  1. For though the people cappe and knele to one in highe authorite, yet lyttell whoteth he, what they thynke.

  2. Ouer that her cappe (made after the coife fashion of cloth of gold) called Shapka Zempska, edged with some rich furre, and set with pearle and stone.

  3. Ouer the Taffia hee weareth a wide cappe of blacke Foxe (which they account for the best furre) with a Tiara or long bonnet put within it, standing vp like a Persian or Babilonian hatte.

  4. I shall receiue Money on Thursday: thou shalt haue a Cappe to morrow.

  5. Doe not you weare your Dagger in your Cappe that day, least he knock that about yours Pist.

  6. Take my Cappe Iupiter, and I thanke thee: hoo, Martius comming home?

  7. In the old morality of The longer thou livest the more foole thou art, Moros the fool says, "By my trouth the thing that I desire most Is in my cappe to have a goodly feather.

  8. Item for making of a coote and a cappe of grene clothe fringed with red crule and lyned with fryse, for our saide foole.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cappe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.