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Example sentences for "carbuncular"

Lexicographically close words:
carboys; carbre; carbuncle; carbuncled; carbuncles; carburet; carbureted; carbureter; carburetor; carburetors
  1. Accordingly it was found that the bodies of guinea-pigs, rabbits, and mice thus inoculated became infected, and developed all the characteristic symptoms of splenic fever or carbuncular disease.

  2. It consists of a flat carbuncular or kerion-like inflammation, somewhat elevated, and usually a dime to silver dollar in area.

  3. Menschell states that 44 persons were afflicted with anthrax after eating the flesh of oxen affected with carbuncular fever.

  4. The Belgian Academy of Medicine has decided that the flesh of animals suffering from carbuncular fever is unwholesome, and its sale in that country is prohibited.

  5. Consequently, while in Campania the burning of the earth makes ashes, in Tuscany the combustion of the stone makes carbuncular sand.

  6. In coarse grained gravel and carbuncular sand the supply is surer and more lasting, and it has a good taste.

  7. Internal carbuncular inflammations no longer took place, and hemorrhages became phenomena, no more essential in this than they are in any other febrile disorders.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carbuncular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.