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Example sentences for "carryeth"

Lexicographically close words:
carroty; carry; carryall; carrye; carryed; carrying; carryings; cars; cart; carta
  1. In the end, the Turks betake themselues to their heeles, and Iesus party carryeth away the victory.

  2. The aboundance whereof bringeth no greater good hap vnto the gluttonous Owner, but rather the minde of sutch is more miserable, and carryeth therewithall more decrease of quiet, than increase of filthy muck.

  3. Illustration: Cormoran carryeth off his Booty] [Illustration: Panick of the Shepherd.

  4. Initial The Giant cometh Cormoran carryeth off his Booty Panick of the Shepherd.

  5. I know dear mistress, that Elisha will refuse to accept the treasure which my lord carryeth with him to Samaria," replied the little maid, firmly.

  6. Dost thou in truth believe that Elisha will refuse to receive the treasure which Naaman carryeth with him?

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carryeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.