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Example sentences for "circinate"

Lexicographically close words:
cipollino; cippi; cippus; cipue; circa; circiter; circle; circled; circles; circlet
  1. Now remember, each of these brown unsightly sticks was once a frond, that had passed through all the steps of uncoiling from its circinate condition.

  2. These scars, then, are ocular demonstrations of former fronds; we may no more doubt that fronds were once growing from these spots, than we may that the green and leafy arches were once coiled up in a circinate vernation.

  3. Most Ferns are circinate in the bud; that is, are rolled up in the manner shown in Fig.

  4. Scorpioid or Scorpioidal, curved or circinate at the end, 77.

  5. Ferns, with fronds circinate in vernation, bearing the fructification on the under surface or beneath the margin.

  6. Circinate vernation, so common in modern Ferns, is rarely seen in the fossil species, and we do not in general meet with rhizomes.

  7. The specimen consists of a short, erect stem, on which are placed somewhat stout alternate branches, extending obliquely outward and then curving inward in a circinate manner.

  8. The stems curve in such a manner as to indicate a circinate vernation.

  9. The circinate arrangement in this case would favour a relationship to ferns; but some lycopodiaceous plants also roll themselves in this way, and so do the branches of the plants of the genus Psilophyton.

  10. European Lower Carboniferous are the types, and it shows, what might have been anticipated from other specimens, that they were low, tufted plants, circinate in vernation.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circinate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.