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Example sentences for "comand"

Lexicographically close words:
columnist; columns; colza; com; coma; comandancia; comandante; comanded; comander; comarca
  1. I've reade in younger studyes there are charmes, Spells and devysses to comand men's harts; That charracters and imadges and scrolles Can even bynd the soule to servytude.

  2. Ryght worchypfull Moodre, I comand me to yow, and beseche yow of yowr blyssyng and Gods.

  3. Ryght wyrshypfull and hertyly belovyd brother, I comand me to yow, letyng you wet that I receyvyd a letter that come from yow, wretyn circa viij.

  4. The berer herof shall come home ayen fro London with in a day aftyr that he comyth thedyr, if ye wyll ought comand hym.

  5. Wood to boote, to whyche persons I prey yow to comand me; and if all thes lyst to spek to yow of thys mater when Sir George Browne, W.

  6. Ryght worchepfull sir, I comand me to yow, sertyfying yow that Pekok hath receyvyd of Sir John Stylle by a bylle all suche stuff as he had of your.

  7. He offyrd me to be rewlyd as ye and I wold have hym, and if I wold comand hym, to go ageyn to preson, whedyr I wold to the Castyll or to the Gyld Hall, he wold obey my comandment.

  8. Wher for to morrow I purpose to send Dawbeney thedyr to wet what they do, and to comand the[266.

  9. Ryght welbelovyd brother, I comand me to yow, letyng yow wete that I have wagyd for to helpe yow and Dawbeney to kepe the place at Castr, iiij.

  10. I pray yow send us some tydyngys as ye wer wonte to comand me; and the Holy Trinyte have yow in kepyng, and my fayir mastras of the Fleet.

  11. She did comand I should With confidence expect her.

  12. But does your Comand extend to the Sea or the land service?

  13. I sent to the governor, Shemash Dono, to know whether he would comand me any serviz, for that I was ready to retorne for Firando.

  14. So I was forced to send Mr. Osterwick with a jurebasso to Tonomon Samme, or Taccamon Dono, to comand them out of our howse, because we could not be in quiet for them.

  15. Let him have an absolute comand over his servants & such as you put to him.

  16. England, or to comand them to other places designed, even as according to your sounde discretions it shall seeme to stand with equitie, & justice, or necessitie.

  17. Unto which he answerd he would take care for that, but would have me promisse to take it all of Firando men 151 and no other, or else he would geve comand that noe carpenters nor laborers should work any more on our work.

  18. And order was geven by the Emperours comand and his previe councell to the Tono or King of Firando to heare both parties and see justis performed.

  19. Semi Dono sent to comand me I should make noe bargen nore buy nothing of any other Japonnars for provition of building of howse or shiping or victuling, but only of them of Firando.

  20. His mother cut her owne belly, and his littell childe was executed by comand from the Emperour, as also all others were the lyke which were knowne to take parte with hym.

  21. Skidayen Dono, the chefe justis, under my owne ferme, to desire hym to comand Migell Dono not to goe for Amacon; 1 to Itamia Migell Dono, with the fermes of Capt.

  22. So forthwith he gave comand to carpenters and all other laborars that none should labor; and soe our work standes at a stay.

  23. The conclusion is, to comand all tonos (or kinges), governors, and other offecers in Japon whatsoever to se the premesies afforsaid accomplished.

  24. Soe, yf he pleased to comand my service to Bantam, England, or Cochinchina, we were ready to doe it; for the which he thanked us.

  25. L36] He swore that none should him gainestand, Except that he war fay; Bot all sould be at his comand That dwelt be northen Tay.

  26. I left 7 men with him & the absolute comand & disposall of all things; which being don I caused our ffurrs to bee put on board & the shipp to fall down to the mouth of the river to set saile the first faire wind.

  27. I passed by the fort in the Island, & put another frenchman to comand in the place of him was there before, whom I intended to take with me to work uppon our shipps.

  28. The abandonment was of short duration, it seems, for new references soon appear such as that naming Captain Ralph Hamor "to have absolute power, and comand in all matters of war over all the people of Martins Hundred.

  29. XLV The King was comand thro’ Cadden Ford, And full five thousand men was he; They saw the dark forest them before, They thought it awsome for to see.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.