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Example sentences for "comone"

Lexicographically close words:
commytted; como; comodities; comoedia; comon; comonly; comons; compact; compacted; compacting
  1. The same consideration of comone imploymente constantly by the most is a good reason not to have ye 2, daies in a week denyed ye few planters for private use, which yet is subordinate to comone good.

  2. In good feyth men fere sore here of a comone rysyng but if [i.

  3. Sidenote: Lete yowr counsell comone with hym, but thei may sey they knowe not myn evidens nor titell,] And in good feyth me thynkyth by hym that he is ryght ille plesyd that the mater was so gydyt.

  4. To reconcile this for y^e presente will be very difficulte, but time cooleth distempers, and a comone danger to us boath approaching, will necessitate our uniting againe.

  5. He was by appointment to take them in betweene Grimsbe & Hull, where was a large comone a good way distante from any towne.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.