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Example sentences for "conceyued"

Lexicographically close words:
concessions; concessit; concessive; concevoir; conceyue; conceyve; conceyved; conch; conchas; conches
  1. Tynneworks, neere the Deuon and Cornish hauens: but whether it aymed not at the right cause, or hath not taken his due execution, little amendement appeareth thereby for the present, and lesse hope may be conceyued for the future.

  2. But she for a certaine displeasure conceyued against her father, bare vnto the yonge gentlewoman no greate good will.

  3. Neuerthelesse shee warned him, after that time, to moue no such matter, which he promised, because he would not lose his pleasure, and the honour that hee conceyued to entertaine her.

  4. The King serued with many Dishes and excellent Wynes, beholdinge sometymes the Lady Marchionesse, conceyued great delight and pleasure.

  5. Vpon which words by and by she conceyued the cause of his deepe studie, and charged him to hide himselfe in some place to mark what he did.

  6. Whereof the gentlewoman conceyued singuler solace, louing hir deere freende with more entier affection than hir owne soule.

  7. Neither of them for all this perceiued themselues to be deluded, or conceyued any suspition of collusion for that the chamber was still without light, and in the day the Women commonly fayled not to be together.

  8. In the meane tyme she conceyued in hir Mynd a despyte and hatred so great and extreame agaynst the poore Gentleman that thought lyttle hereof, as the former loue was nothing in respecte of the reuenge by death which she then desired vpon hym.

  9. Whereof when the Emperor had aduertisement, he conceyued inspeakable sorrow.

  10. The colde that I make him to suffer, will extinguish the heate of suspition whych yee conceyued of my wordes the other day.

  11. Nowe it behoueth me to speake of the Iealousie they haue conceyued of vs, for that they were in ech other's Chamber, which truly is the doubtfull knot and scruple that forceth all their disdaine and griefe.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conceyued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.