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Example sentences for "counseill"

Lexicographically close words:
counsaill; counsale; counsall; counsayle; counseil; counsel; counseled; counseling; counsell; counselled
  1. Nowe I wyl aduise and counseill howe to kepe the same pure, for somoche as may be, or lesse enfected, and correcte the same corrupte.

  2. Yet wher more daunger is in forbearyng then in takyng, I counseill not to spare in these howres to do as the case requireth with wisdome & discretion, but lesse then in other howres.

  3. Also the lord Cobham was jugged to perpetuel prison: and forasmoche as the erle of Derby thanne mad duke of Hereford was of counseill and assent of the deth of lordes and knyghtes don to dethe in the xj yere of the kyng, he was also exiled.

  4. Roger Walden was made erchebysshop of Caunterbury; and thanne the kyng thorugh wykked counseill disherited the heirs of the lordes that were put to dethe, as it is above seyd, and dampned to perpetual prison.

  5. John Hende occupied the office of the meire into the morwe after the natyvyte of seynt John baptist, the whiche was put down be the kyng and his counseill at Notyngham, and ordeyned S^{r}.

  6. In this yere began the generall counseill at Constaunce.

  7. Also that my Lord Norffolk shall certifie the Kyng and his Counseill that but if the day of the oyer and termyner stonde, it wole be full harde, by cause the peple is so wylde.

  8. Lord of Norffolk that he certifie the Kyng and his Counseill how the cuntre of N.

  9. And Sotyll and other of your counseill thynk the law is on our syde.

  10. When he harde tell of the grete name of maister Virgile, he yede to him, and seide, Gode sir, I have previ counseill to speke a twene us too, and I beseche yow of your wise counseill in this cas.

  11. The kniáľšte toke his leve at Virgile, and thonkid him moche of his hie counseill and yede to the damysell, and yafe hir the monye.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counseill" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.