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Example sentences for "creekes"

Lexicographically close words:
credunt; creed; creeds; creek; creeke; creel; creels; creen; creep; creepe
  1. One cannot tire of repeating the last words of the Chancellor Oxenstiern to his son when starting for the tour through Europe: 'Ito mi fili et inspice quam parvâ sapientiâ mundus regitur' .

  2. A few days later, July 23rd, he, with his wife, started for Germany.

  3. But howsoeuer this matter standeth, there are two other creekes [Sidenote: Pethrike.

  4. Dauids land, which Ptolomie calleth Octapitanum promontorium, I read to be separated from the rest of the countrie much after this maner, although I grant that there may be and are diuerse other little creekes betwixt Newgale and S.

  5. But least I should seeme to omit those creekes that are betweene this and S.

  6. But how so euer these creekes doo run, certeine it is that the bankes of them that belong to Fala are meruellouslie well woodded.

  7. How manie of the like prouiders stumble vpon blind creekes at the sea coast, I wote not well; but that some haue so doone and yet doo vnder other mens wings, the case is too too plaine.

  8. But least I should séeme to omit those creekes that are betwéene this and S.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "creekes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.