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Example sentences for "critica"

Lexicographically close words:
crite; criteria; criterion; criterions; critic; critical; critically; criticise; criticised; criticises
  1. Recensio Critica automatica of the Doctrine of Bird-Migration, Budapest, 1905.

  2. Here again we may single out Capellus as a pioneer in criticism, in his Critica sacra sive de variis quae in sacris V.

  3. Cheyne (in Critica Biblica, 1903), whose restorations resting on a dubious theory of Hebrew history have met with little approval, though his negative criticism of the text is often keen and suggestive.

  4. In some pages of this Introduction, we certainly find the basis of the Critica Botanica of Linnæus.

  5. His principal work is the Critica Sacra, published at Paris in 1650, wherein he still farther discredits the existing manuscripts of the Hebrew scriptures, as well as the Masoretic punctuation.

  6. In 1891 was founded the collectivist journal Critica Sociale, and in the same year was held the first Italian congress which was distinctively socialist.

  7. His Arcanum Premetationis Revelatum was brought out at Leyden in 1624; his Critica Sacra ten years later.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "critica" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    critical analysis; critical edition; critical examination; critical moment; critical position; critical study