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Example sentences for "degradations"

Lexicographically close words:
degenerative; degli; deglutition; degno; degradation; degrade; degraded; degrades; degrading; degre
  1. By increasing degradations we will obtain attributes more and more special.

  2. It is to give them at once a shield against "the proud man's contumely" and the degradations of vice.

  3. I don't know much of such things, but it has come to me that it is easier for a man to separate himself from past degradations and be clean--than a woman.

  4. The whole of Monocotyledons appear to me (from anatomical reasons especially) to be degradations from Dicotyledons, and primarily through the agency of growth in water.

  5. There are degradations below that which he speaks of.

  6. Was the man in earnest, when he could bring such powers of description, and all the charms of natural eloquence, in commendation of the meanest, vilest, wretchedest degradations of the human character?

  7. Flour, And Other Matters Relating To Seeds One of the largest degradations to human health was caused by the roller mill.

  8. We can't afford to accept 25% degradations in our nutritional quality in something that we eat every day and that forms the very basis of our dietary.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "degradations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.