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Example sentences for "demeth"

Lexicographically close words:
demerit; demerits; demes; demesne; demesnes; demeurant; demeure; demeurer; demie; demigod
  1. And thilke thing that any wight demeth to ben desired, that axeth or desireth he; and fleeth thilke thing that he troweth ben to fleen.

  2. Or elles how mochel is worth the devyne prescience more than the opinioun of mankinde, yif so be that it demeth the thinges uncertein, as men doon; of the whiche domes of men the bitydinge nis nat certein?

  3. Nay,' quod I, 'but the poeple demeth that it is most wrecched of alle thinges that may ben thought.

  4. For every thing that may naturely usen resoun, it hath doom by which it decerneth and demeth every thing; thanne knoweth it, by it-self, thinges that ben to fleen and thinges that ben to desiren.

  5. Demeth aught the poeple that it is wikked?

  6. For Catoun seith, that he that gilty is Demeth al thing be spoke of him, y-wis.

  7. But worshipful chanouns religious, Ne demeth nat that I sclaundre your hous, (440) Al-though my tale of a chanoun be.

  8. Of sondry doutes thus they Iangle and trete, 220 As lewed peple demeth comunly Of thinges that ben maad more subtilly Than they can in her lewednes comprehende; They demen gladly to the badder ende.

  9. Arrogant, is he that thinketh that he hath thilke bountees in him that he hath noght, or weneth that he sholde have hem by hise desertes; or elles he demeth that he be that he nis nat.

  10. Now demeth as yow liste, ye that can, For I wol telle forth as I bigan.

  11. The firste wanhope comth of that he demeth that he hath sinned so greetly and so ofte, and so longe leyn in sinne, that he shal nat be saved.

  12. For certes, he maketh thilke feyned humilitee more for his profit than for any love of thy persone; by-cause that he demeth to have victorie over thy persone by swich feyned contenance, the which victorie he mighte nat have by stryf or werre.

  13. And thus I conclude ate laste, That thei ben ydel, as me semeth, Whiche unto thing that love demeth Forslowthen that thei scholden do.

  14. For as I wolde, thanne I thinke 220 As thogh I were at myn above, For so thurgh drunke I am of love, That al that mi sotye demeth Is soth, as thanne it to me semeth.

  15. I not if that be Sompnolence, Bot upon youre conscience, Min holi fader, demeth ye.

  16. Nou demeth in youre oghne thoght, If this be Avarice or noght.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "demeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.