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Example sentences for "deuant"

Lexicographically close words:
dettes; detto; detumescence; detur; deu; deuce; deuced; deucedly; deuces; deuda
  1. Je vous en croys bien; “I you bileue well; Mais ce nest mye drap But this is no suche cloth De tant dargent, Of so moche money, 28 Ce scaues vous bien!

  2. De la maison premiers diray, Of the hous first I shall saye, En auenture, se besoing est.

  3. These men ye right Pilliards wil often times spoile, but they dare not complayn.

  4. This is a bold knaue, that sometyme will eate the best and leaue the worst for his Mayster.

  5. Harman's Caveat were part of "a ballad intituled a description of the nature of a birchen broom" entered at Stationers' Hall to William Griffith, the first printer of the Caveat.

  6. It is natural therefore that his version should betray some confusion, though his Fait en orent deuant closture clearly renders William of Malmesbury's conserta ante se scutorum testudine.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deuant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.