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Example sentences for "deviltries"

Lexicographically close words:
devills; devilment; devilries; devilry; devils; deviltry; devint; devious; deviously; devis
  1. Mr. Abinger is a better judge of deviltries than of good women," said Poppy drily.

  2. All eyes would turn instinctively to the spot where the deviltries transpired, and to persons who were generally near by when and where the performances came off.

  3. The more amazing deviltries both of the accusers and of courts and executives, no one can doubt, if all the feats were offspring of mere juvenile and senile cunning, fraud, and malice.

  4. The filled belts of the Maxims were adjusted, and all these man-slaying deviltries waked to life and peered over the side at the unsuspecting gulls.

  5. His timid soul is bent on participating in the deviltries for which Vienna is famous.

  6. All of their deviltries have been muted, as if the guests suffered from a pathological fear of pleasure.

  7. Hillsborough excelled in deviltries of this kind.

  8. Yet neither her watchfulness, nor Ransome's, prevailed entirely against the deviltries of the offended Union.

  9. Roman in that pleasant way which always made the Father forgive his boyish deviltries sooner that he ought.

  10. Such a treaty was made in ages gone by, through the deviltries of the Dutchers, who wished to disarm the natives that had the best right to the country, where they had settled themselves.

  11. Such a treaty was made in ages gone by, through the deviltries of the Dutchers, who wished to disarm the natives that had the best right to the country where they had settled themselves.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deviltries" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.