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Example sentences for "dicke"

Lexicographically close words:
dicing; dicis; dicit; dicite; dicitur; dicker; dickering; dicks; dico; dicono
  1. Enter Cade, Dicke Butcher, Smith the Weauer, and a Sawyer, with infinite numbers.

  2. Dicke it shall be so, and henceforward all things shall be [dar009] in common, and in Cheapeside shall my palphrey go to grasse.

  3. Sir Dicke Butcher, thou hast fought to day most valianly, [dan001] And knockt them down as if thou hadst bin in thy slaughter house.

  4. Enter Dicke Bowyer and soldiers, with Drum and colours.

  5. If Dicke Bowyer be not writ a bountifull benefactor in hell for my good deeds in sending thither such Cannibals, I am a rabbit sucker[153]: yet I scorne to vaunt of my deeds, too.

  6. Dicke Bowyer knowes what belongs to service: we did not draw of any malice, by this element of iron & steele, but to measure which of our swords were longest.

  7. I doe not make him cry Peccavi say Dicke Bowyer's a powdered Mackrell.

  8. Remarking on "grosse dicke kup" in the second line, my reverend friend Ziegler sends me the following declensions of the united article and adjective.

  9. This morning comes betimes Dicke Pen, to be my wife's Valentine, and come to our bedside.

  10. O Hodge, Dicke Coomes hath been as good as a crye of hounds, to make a breathd[1876] hayre of me!

  11. With the humorous mirth of Dicke Coomes and Nicholas Prouerbes, two Seruingmen.

  12. Yes, mistresse, I will strike her men; but God forbid that ere Dicke Coomes should be seene to strike a woman!

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dicke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.