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Example sentences for "dispence"

Lexicographically close words:
dispelled; dispeller; dispelleth; dispelling; dispels; dispend; dispensa; dispensable; dispensaries; dispensary
  1. For he who did to her in life dispence A heaven, will banish all corruption thence.

  2. While up to thee I shoote my flame Thou dost dispence A holy death, that murders sence, And makes me scorne all pompes, that ayme All other triumphs than thy name.

  3. The Pope answered, that he might and would dispence with him for his oath.

  4. At the last the Nobilitie of the Realme, with great dispence both of their estates and blood, purchased a Charter of libertie, First from K.

  5. Miles, tendred the Seals to the Sovereign, who was pleased to dispence with the Statutes, and permitted him to keep them nevertheless.

  6. And whether he might not dispence with the Statute, and defer it till next Year?

  7. The Governour and Knights must be unmarried, yet that the Crown may dispence withal; and upon their marrying are to lose their Place.

  8. Or horid grots where comfortable light Hates to dispence its luster, yet my search Should find thee out, reduce thee to this brest Once[124] thy lovd Paradice.

  9. Pray honour us with your presence in the Countrey, if you can dispence with your employments, when I shall satisfie for this haste of my departure.

  10. Indians today, we wer obliged to dispence with two of our kettles in order to acquire those.

  11. Spanish bridle is prefered by them when they can obtain them, but they never dispence with the cord about the neck of the horse, which serves them to take him with more ease when he is runing at large.

  12. Print to the whole Realme and to all Posteritie, that all Graunt of Monapolyes and of the benefitt of any penall Lawes, or of power to dispence with the Lawe .

  13. I trowe men wolde deme it necligence, If I foryete to tellen the dispence Of Theseus, that goth so bisily To maken up the listes royally; That swich a noble theatre as it was, 1885 I dar wel seyn that in this world ther nas.

  14. I will dispence with any thing, my Lord, Then let me go, or do not take Jasper.

  15. My Lord, I shall, and reason have to do it; But I desire you would dispence my absence, Only a little time, I being preparing A general Confession I shall make to Morrow.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dispence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.