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Example sentences for "displeasures"

Lexicographically close words:
displeased; displeases; displeaseth; displeasing; displeasure; disport; disporte; disported; disporting; disports
  1. Forgetting all iniuries and displeasures past, done by the Romaine people against the Volscians, how can you abide the shame you suffer this daye, wherein to oure great reproch, they begin to ostentate and shew forth their plaies.

  2. There was no man, for feare to incurre the displeasures of the Magistrates, that durst open hys mouth to speake or make sute for hys delyueraunce.

  3. And here, as though the immediate displeasures of this ill-starred day were insufficient, memory arose and recalled other displeasures of long ago.

  4. Iames de Beuuron, situate on the frontiers of Normandie towards Britaine, within halfe a league of the duke of Britains ground, with whome as then they had open warre; and so began to doo manie displeasures to his people.

  5. In which sute if he preuailed, he should not then let passe the occasion giuen for reuenge of displeasures to him doone, both by the queene and hir sinister councellors.

  6. I told her so (my Lord) On your displeasures perill, and on mine, She should not visit you Leo.

  7. For beside the hindrance and restraint of liberty, it hath many more displeasures and very sore griefs knit and adjoined to it.

  8. But among many other displeasures that for his sake she was sorry for, one she lamented much in her mind.

  9. His displeasures passed, however, and my last meeting with our greatest historian, as I think him, was of unalloyed friendliness.

  10. But before this time bitter displeasures had risen between Clemens and Raymond, and Clemens was determined that Raymond should never have the play.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "displeasures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.