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Example sentences for "dispyse"

Lexicographically close words:
disputers; disputes; disputeth; disputing; disputings; disqualification; disqualifications; disqualified; disqualifies; disqualify
  1. For your propre malice and shreudnesse of your-selfe, ye blame and dispyse the precious[es]t thing of your kynde, and whiche thinges among other moste ye desyren!

  2. Dispyse thou her nat, in no manere, Lest that ther-by thy wikkednesse appere!

  3. Why trowe ye my fader in this wyse Coveiteth so to see me, but for drede Lest in this toun that folkes me dispyse 1340 By-cause of him, for his unhappy dede?

  4. And other folk dreden more than they oughten [that] whiche they mighten wel beren; and somme dispyse that they mowe nat beren; and thilke folk god ledeth in-to experience of himself by aspre and sorwful thinges.

  5. And mortall myschefe had leuer be dede or slayne Than byde correccyon or for his profyte payne Suche haue suche pleasour in theyr mad folysshe pype That they dispyse all other melody.

  6. Scripture dyuyne, to folowe and inbrace Be nat so bolde it to leue nor dispyse But you enforce it to get and purchase Remember mannys consort and solace.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dispyse" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.