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Example sentences for "dowery"

Lexicographically close words:
dowels; dower; dowered; dowerless; dowers; dowghter; dowie; dowitcher; down; downa
  1. I will stake thee my dowery against fair Madeline's, I find a hundred men in this poor garrison ready to dare and do what you declare impossible.

  2. I am the dependant of my brother, with no fortune but my sword; and I should glory, beneath the eyes of my Madeline, to win such renown as would gain a dowery worthy of her hand.

  3. For (said they) the dowery we receive from our fathers on our marriage goes to our husbands, who may squander it in one day if they like; and even the dresses we wear are not our own property, but are given us by our husbands.

  4. The property on which it is established is the little Levigne estate--the one forming the only dowery of Judithe Levigne when she married Philip Alain--Marquis de Caron.

  5. By our dowery we're obliged to purchase A husband--and what then is far worse still, Henceforward our body is his own.

  6. In conformity with this conception the Libyan maidens earned their dowery by their surrender.

  7. Women who had been convicted of adultery, were compelled to give a part of their dowery to their deceived husbands.

  8. This dowery he regards as the equivalent of, and as fatal to him as the treasures of the Argive Helen were to Menelaus.

  9. A new element is brought into the story with the Round Table, which forms part of the dowery of Guinevere.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dowery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.