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Example sentences for "easelie"

Lexicographically close words:
easdem; ease; eased; easeful; easel; easels; easely; easement; easements; eases
  1. For the trueth in these actiones, it will be easelie confirmed, to anie that pleases to take paine vpon the reading of diuerse authenticque histories, and the inquiring of daily experiences.

  2. And this way hee easelie deceiued the Gentiles, because they knew not God: And to that same effect is it, that he now appeares in that maner to some ignorant Christians.

  3. And this to be most trew, may easelie be gathered, not onelie of L.

  4. And thus, the trew difference of stiles, in euerie Author, and euerie kinde of learnyng may easelie be knowne by this diuision.

  5. And here perchance, a verie good master may easelie both deceiue himselfe, and lead his scholer into error.

  6. For otherwise, he shall sticke with great troble, where he might go easelie forwarde: and also catche hardlie a verie litle by his owne toyle, whan he might gather quicklie a good deale, by an nothers mans teaching.

  7. Sidenote: A prince may easelie brynge to intiere perfection the servis of warre; Two sortes of Capitaines worthie to bee praysed.

  8. Sidenote: How townes or cities are easelie wonne; How duke Valentine got the citie of Urbine; The besieged ought to take heede of the deciptes and policies of the enemie; How Domitio Calvino wan a towne.

  9. Sche assaultit everie man, as sche thocht maist easelie he mycht have bene ovircum.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "easelie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.