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Example sentences for "economic forces"

  • It is all important to an understanding of the subject to recognise that a monopoly price and a competitive price are determined by the operation of an entirely different set of economic forces.

  • Economic forces cannot be isolated as can elements in a chemical laboratory, and, therefore, trusts claim the credit for all the reductions of price that have occurred.

  • Economic forces, like other classes of forces, act and react upon each other.

  • They cannot follow out the impersonal and ultimate workings of economic forces.

  • Some of the advocates of bimetallism argued that the fall of prices was due not alone to economic forces, but also to a money conspiracy which had influenced legislation to introduce and continue the gold standard.

  • Economic forces, stronger than the diplomats of all the world, were making for peace between America and Europe.

  • I have adopted it, after watching a great number of people try other than monogamous sex arrangements, and seeing their chances of happiness and success wrecked by the pressure of economic forces.

  • It is when political evolution has completed itself, and a republic has been set up, that a free field is given to economic forces to work themselves out to their logical end.

  • So far as men are concerned, economic forces operate by three main channels; late marriage, loveless marriage, and drudgery in wives.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "economic forces" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    afflicted children; economic activity; economic competition; economic conditions; economic development; economic forces; economic freedom; economic growth; economic importance; economic interpretation; economic life; economic organization; economic power; economic production; economic reform; economic reforms; economic science; economically active; forbidden fruit; great distance; highly remarkable; huge black; perhaps also; quit work; she explained; this old