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Example sentences for "emasculating"

Lexicographically close words:
emancipists; emarginate; emargination; emasculate; emasculated; emasculation; embalm; embalmed; embalmer; embalmers
  1. Even in the period of the Reformation people succeeded in emasculating scholarship.

  2. To them was owing that cruel device of emasculating their slaves, that their numerous wives, and concubines might be more securely guarded: an invention, which cannot consistently be attributed to a woman.

  3. This Great Mother of the gods, however, has brought mutilated men into Roman temples, and has preserved that cruel custom, being believed to promote the strength of the Romans by emasculating their men.

  4. Not a single measure of importance was adopted without some emasculating clause, or without such postponement as made it practically inoperative.

  5. Pretending to place the whole means of the country at the disposal of the President, Congress yet invariably rendered its measures inoperative by emasculating clauses providing exemptions and immunities of every description.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "emasculating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.