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Example sentences for "epicycloid"

Lexicographically close words:
epicures; epicurism; epicycle; epicycles; epicyclic; epicycloidal; epidemic; epidemical; epidemically; epidemics
  1. Each of these teeth will be shaped as the curve of an epicycloid formed by the rolling on the big circle of a circle whose diameter is the radius of the pitch circle of the pinion.

  2. The epicycloid when the radii of the circles are equal is the cardioid (q.

  3. The epicycloid shown is termed the "three-cusped epicycloid" or the "epicycloid of Cremona.

  4. In the particular case when the radii are in the ratio of 1 to 3 the epicycloid (curve a) will consist of three cusps external to the circle and placed at equal distances along its circumference.

  5. When c = a or = [oo] the curve reduces to the cardioid or the two cusped epicycloid previously discussed.

  6. It is obvious that this variation in the form is least near the pitch circle, which is the only part of the epicycloid made use of; and Prof.

  7. Cut out a piece of sheet zinc so that its edge will coincide with the curve A and the epicycloid O, trying it with all four of the epicycloids to see that no slip has occurred when marking them; shape a template as shown in Fig.

  8. An epicycloid may be traced or generated, as it is termed, by a point in the circumference of a circle that rolls without slip upon the circumference of another circle.

  9. Suppose b a tracing point on B, then as B rolls on A it will describe the epicycloid a b.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "epicycloid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.