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Example sentences for "faln"

Lexicographically close words:
fallowed; fallowing; falls; fallu; fallyn; falne; fals; falsa; falsam; falsch
  1. Here's a mortal almost dead, Faln into my River head, Hallowed so with many a spell, That till now none ever fell.

  2. But, as I said before, her Teeth were faln out; and as loving Neighbours to reconcile them, her Chin and Nose resolved to meet about it.

  3. Nor can thy Beds of State so gratefull be, As those of Moss, and new faln Leaves with me!

  4. That last terrible night Thou wert said to hav' exceeded thy bravery, an' only On thy faln enemies wert faln by weariness o'ercome.

  5. He may be sick, or faln into some danger; He has no guide, nor no man to attend him.

  6. And now faln Through a faint Peace into affliction, Speak but their miseries?

  7. I am sorely troubled With a salt rheum faln i' my gums.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "faln" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.