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Example sentences for "ferde"

Lexicographically close words:
feral; ferarum; feras; ferat; feray; fere; ferebat; ferens; feres; feret
  1. The Ferde chapitre contenis, The forme of the examinacioun how the Bachelere Squyere suld be examynit, be the faderis of the Ordre, before or he ressauit the said Ordre.

  2. And [gh]it spekis he of the ferde condicioun and nature of the close felde, that is callit barreris.

  3. And right so ferde Reson bi thee; Thow with thi rude speche Lakkedest and losedest thyng That longed the noght to doone.

  4. And in his gere, for al the world he ferde Nat oonly lyk the loveres maladye Of Hereos, but rather lyk manye Engendred of humour malencolyk, 1375 Biforen, in his celle fantastyk.

  5. And she for wonder took of it no keep; She herde nat what thing he to hir seyde; She ferde as she had stert out of a sleep, 1060 Til she out of hir masednesse abreyde.

  6. Fordhi ic ferde to eowerum temple, and se deofol dhe eow dhurh dha anlicnysse geandwyrde, dhurh Godes englas dhe me sende, is gehaeft.

  7. Paulus weardh tha afylled and gefrefrod mid thaes Halgan Gastes gife, and ferde to manegum leodscipum, sawende Godes saed.

  8. Bliss is {300} getacnod on hwitum reafe, fordhon dhe Crist ferde heonon mid micelre blisse and mid micclum dhrymme.

  9. And thilke tyme I ferde so 785 I was able to have lerned tho, And to have coud as wel or better, Paraunter, other art or letter.

  10. Of maner and of comlinesse Right so ferde my lady dere; For every wight of hir manere Might cacche ynogh, if that he wolde, If he had eyen hir to beholde.

  11. Eek drede fond first goddes, I suppose, Thus shal I seyn, and that his cowarde herte Made him amis the goddes text to glose, 1410 Whan he for ferde out of his Delphos sterte.

  12. Or hastow som remors of conscience, And art now falle in som devocioun, 555 And waylest for thy sinne and thyn offence, And hast for ferde caught attricioun?

  13. For wiste he that ye ferde in this manere, He wolde him-selve slee; and if I wende To han this fare, he sholde not come here 920 For al the good that Pryam may despende.

  14. There ben citezens many, for-ferde of execucion that shal be doon; for 135 extorcions by hem committed ben evermore ayenst these purposes and al other good mevinges.

  15. Suche ferde also han these lovers in presence of their loves, and 15 subjectes aforn their soveraynes.

  16. Lo nou, hou thilke time it ferde Toward so hih a worthi lord: For this I finde ek of record, Which the Cronique hath auctorized.

  17. This wofull chance how that it ferde Anon as Demephon it herde, And every man it hadde in speche, His sorwe was noght tho to seche; He gan his Slowthe forto banne, Bot it was al to late thanne.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ferde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.