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Example sentences for "flowers large"

  • Flowers large, pea-blossom-like in shape, in large clusters.

  • Flowers large, dull purplish, solitary in the axils of last year's leaves.

  • Leaves and peduncles 3--6'' long; flowers large in proportion.

  • Petioles and peduncles all from the tuberous rootstock, the centrally peltate leaves and the flowers large.

  • Flowers large or small, but with a white or colored petal-like perianth --6.

  • Flowers large, well-opened, of a golden yellow, spotted with orange-purple on all the petals.

  • Flowers large, well-formed, salmon-colour, continuing to appear from July until the first frosts.

  • Flowers large: external divisions purple, upper internal division scarlet shaded with yellow, the lower one of an orange-red.

  • Flowers large, rose color or pale blue, in axillary cymes of 2 or 3 flowers each.

  • Flowers large, either white, or of the most delicate blush color, with a grateful fragrance.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "flowers large" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    abrupt change; always think; being alone; black arrow; brownish colour; comparatively speaking; considering that; could walk; father should; flowers and; flowers from; flowers large; flowers small; flowers white; flowers yellow; happier days; modern industry; numerous band; reddish brown; said deliberately; shall deserve; stone fence; tender conscience; whose presence; would burst; your good