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Example sentences for "forct"

Lexicographically close words:
forces; forceth; forcible; forcibly; forcing; ford; fordable; forded; fording; fordo
  1. We are forct All to forsake the villaige and to fly Unto the feilds for succor.

  2. The trusty bark, ore laden with thy sinnes, Baudryes, grosse lyes, thy theft and perjuryes Beesydes the burdene of thy ill gott gooddes, Not able to indure so greate a weight Was forct to sinke beneathe them.

  3. That poore men Are forct too, for a slender competens, A little to prolonge a wretched lyfe!

  4. They were forct to buy him a barke allso, and to furnish her w^th a m^r.

  5. Peirce his staying with all y^e passengers at Bristoll, he was forct to leave y^e further prosecuting of it to a solissiter.

  6. But when we once were forct to be spectators, Compel'd to that which should have bin a pleasure, We could no longer beare the wearisomnesse: No paine so irksome as a forct delight.

  7. Meantime, poor Bess and Cecilie, spent with Grief and long waiting, were forct to be carried Home by Heron, or ever Father returned to his Prison.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.