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Example sentences for "formam"

Lexicographically close words:
formalities; formality; formalized; formall; formally; formant; formar; formas; format; formate
  1. Intratur hinc per Oceanum in regionem Niconoram, vel Nacumeram, habentem in circuitu spacium mille leucarum: omnes ibi geniti homines habent capita ad formam canum, vnde et in Græco Cynocephali dicuntur.

  2. Another common measure is the twelve-syllable dactylic line of the famous Apocalypsis Goliae Episcopi: "Ipsam Pythagorae formam aspicio, Inscriptam artium schemate vario.

  3. An act of will is nothing but a certain inclination toward some form of the mind (formam intellectam) as natural appetite is an inclination toward a natural form.

  4. In huius deserti interioribus, vidi homines in toto syluestres, qui etsi in superioribus formam praetendere videantur humanam, descendunt in subterioribus ad formam bestiæ alicuius.

  5. Forma formans per formam formatam translucens," [80] is the definition and perfection of ideal art.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "formam" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.